Life is Like a Hurricane
Whatever happened to the good kids shows? I watch some of the shows today and the characters are obnoxious and constantly whining. There are very few that I want my kids to watch. What happened to the Smurfs? The Chipmunks? Fraggle Rock? The Muppet Show? DuckTales? These were the cartoons that I grew up with and loved! They were cute and fun to watch. You didn't have to wonder what the political propaganda was behind the show. So, when I found out that I could purchase DuckTales, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Gummi Bears, and other fun cartoons, I did it. I bought them all. We don't have cable t.v., so I didn't feel too guilty buying shows that I knew were clean and fun. They have saved me over the last 2 weeks. I am still battling this horrible chest cold. I am doing a little better each day. But I'm still exhausted. And an hour of t.v. won't kill Baby Girl while I rest and try to recuperate and she loves to watch these funny cartoons. And I love to watch with her! Our "life is like a hurricane, here in Duckburg", but having some clean entertainment in our home certainly seems to help calm the storm!
Hi Melissa, you're such a good blogger posting everyday. I'm soooo behind.
I have to agree with you on today's cartoons. A lot of them, especially in the evenings are pretty adult oriented. I'm fortunate that Cass isn't a big TV watcher but loves his movies and watches them over and over and over...
Hope you're feeing better soon! :)
ps you had asked me in my comments a while back if I had picked out colours yet. Not yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll be something neutral and from Benjamin Moore historical palette. That'll be the fun part!
Those are CLASSICS! I'll have to look into that. Cartoons of today just aren't the same....
Shirlee - my kids don't watch a lot of t.v. until I'm sick or have some other project that seems to consume me. Then they do seem to watch quite a bit :S
Amber - we have loved having the DVDs for the old cartoons. My mom got the kids DuckTales and Tale Spin and then we bought Gummi Bears, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers and another DuckTales set for Christmas. It was pricey, but worth it! I now have my eyes set on Fraggle Rock... they had it at Target the other day!
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