Thursday, March 22, 2007

Way Behind
Hubby and I aren't movie goers. Every now and then we will go see a movie, but it's pretty rare. We try to rent the ones that we didn't see, but we hadn't really done that in awhile. Till now. Maybe there was a reason we never saw these movies. Maybe it was my 6th sense telling me "Stay away..." but in the last week we rented "Superman Returns" and "King Kong". To say that I was bored by them both would be an understatement. Last night while hubby watched King Kong, I left. I wanted to see what was happening on "Lost". Didn't even bother me that I missed more than an hour of the movie. When I came back, Kong and the girl... whatever her name is... were sliding around on a pond. Seriously, that girl's neck should have been snapped from being whipped around so much in this flick. And Superman was just boring. Too much drama and not enough super hero action. So, we are now 0-2 for our movie choices. Although, we did watch "How to Eat Fried Worms" with the kids. Major gross out movie, but it made me laugh. It was pretty good. Tonight we are watching another one with the kids called "Everyone's Hero" or something like that. And tomorrow we are going to watch "Flight Plan". See, we are WAY behind. But slowly, and in an excruciatingly painful way, we are catching up on all these shows. The only thing I can say is that I'm glad I didn't shell out big bucks to go see these things in the theater!


eve said...

We love movies but we don't get out to see them very often. I just discovered pay per view on our direct TV. About the same as a rental. Without the late fees.
I'm horrible about returning movies.

Justine said...

I think the last movie I saw in a movie theater was Men in Black. I'm with ya about movies. I don't even really care to rent them. We have purchased a couple of "classic" kind of movies (Chronicles of Narnia was the latest), but even then, we haven't actually watched it yet!

Movies just aren't as fun as they were when we were 10.

Justine said...

ok, does that mean we're getting old?

Melissa said...

Eve - I hadn't thought about Pay per view... we just started with Netflix... we'll see how that goes..

Justine - I think it does mean that we are getting old! I do like to watch movies now and then, but I find that I am merciless if I don't think it's good. I pick them apart and mock them till it annoys anyone who might be watching with me... lol

flip flop mama said...

We like to watch movies but can't find the time! We haven't been to the theater in months. We did see Stranger than Fiction last weekend and LOVED it! It wasn't too funny, but DH and I though it just a really well made movie. For what it's worth, I thought Superman Returns was really boring too.

Unknown said...

I love movies but with little kids, we rarely get to go lately. That said, there aren't too many in the theatre that I'd want to shell out the big bucks to see!