Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tunnel Vision
Sometimes I get way too focused on one thing. It consumes me. For example - when I start reading a book, I have a hard time putting it down. Even if I've read it before or if it's not that great. I just have to finish it. It's the same with craft projects. If it's something that I'm really into or really excited about, I work on it non stop. Unfortunately, this extends to other things too. Like the computer. I tend to check out of life while I'm typing away. The kids are going crazy and I'm blogging. It's like I turn my ears off till someone lets out a bloodcurdling scream or informs me that they have to go to the bathroom - NOW! That will always wake me from a trance. I'm not very fond of cleaning the floor after an accident. Especially if it's my own darn fault for telling them to wait "just a sec". But usually, I pry my hand off the mouse and help them out. I've even noticed that when my right hand is relaxed, my pinkie finger doesn't sit next to the others. When I'm on the computer, my baby finger is usually hanging over the edge of the mouse. So now I've got mouse-itis. I think that in the future, our hands will actually evolve to be more adept to holding a mouse and typing on a keyboard... ANYWAY... I've been trying to be better about pulling myself away from the computer. Hopefully I will be able to get out of tunnel vision and focus on the things that are more important... and I will start as soon as I spell check and publish this blog... ready... set...go...


Anonymous said...

Think of it as "Journaling" rather than blogging!!! :o)

Melissa said...

LOL - that is a good way to think of it :) So, if it's "journaling" does that mean it's okay to ignore the kids to do it? ;)