Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Morning Pop Quiz
So, I have a Jeopardy style quiz for you... remember, your answer must be in the form of a question ;)

Answer: WalMart
Question: What is the place where your money disappears into some sort of alternate universe vacuum?

Answer: 5
Question: What is the number of crazy people living in my I mean...home?

Answer: 5
Question: What is the number of donuts purchased at the money sucker store?

Answer: 3
Question: What is the number of people who actually got to eat a donut?

Answer: 3
Question: What is the number of donuts that Melissa personally consumed?

Yes, I admit it. I bought enough donuts for everyone to each get one. Baby Girl got one (I HAD to give her one, she saw me buy them... no getting out of that one - otherwise I would have consumed her confection too) Hubby had one last night as part of his "I'm trying to loose 15lbs by the middle of July" weight loss plan. And I had 3. Yes, 3. Am I trying to loose weight? Um... no. Not at the moment. Right now I'm eating a donut. Now, you might be thinking, "What about her boys? They didn't get one!" All I have to say is that what they don't know won't hurt them, right?


Unknown said...

LOVE the doughnut portion of jeopardy. If they offered such rewards, I may just get into it. :-)

Heather said...

Ha ha. I'm glad I'm not the only one who shamelessly tries to hide treats from my kids!!

Maddy said...

I feel unqualified to comment both because I don't watch jeopardy and because I loathe doughnuts.
That said - I'll offer you a challenged instead.
Take one doughnut [the kind that is covered in sprinkling of sugar {so many different kinds!}] Now eat the doughnut in it's entirety but DO NOT LICK YOUR LIPS!
Bet you can't!

Tammy and Parker said...

I found you via Mormon Mommy Wars.

I decided to comment because of how much your donut experienced sounded like something I would do.

I am also known to purchase treats that I know everyone else in the whole house hates just to insure that there will be something for me to find after putting the groceries away.

Anonymous said...

That is why I try not to buy such things, cause I have been known to eat then all!

After all I need the fat more then those little kids do right!

Anonymous said...

hi melissa: i love it how you said what they don't know won't hurt them. too cute! catch ya later, kathleen :)

ps. i sent ya an email today :)

Anonymous said...

Right! I wouldn't share with anyone unless I absolutely had to! LOL!

An Island Life

eve said...

I love doughnuts. My theory is the kids "don't need that extra sugar in their diets."