Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm a Big Kid Now
Baby Girl doesn't want to grow up. She wants me to do everything for her for the rest of eternity. From feeding her to dressing her to chewing her food for her - she wants it all. I've decided that if I can't have a personal servant, neither can she. So, I'm forcing a little independence. Now, she's not quite 4, so, after much deliberation, I've decided not to make her move out, yet. What I did decide is that she can do a few simple things - like scrubbing herself in the tub, drying off after baths, getting herself dressed, and, of course, chewing her own food. You see, I've been an enabler. She will most likely be my last child. I thought I wanted her to be little for a long time. So, I was doing everything for her. And she was enjoying having her own little Mommy slave. But, I've changed my mind. I'm just gonna let her figure a few things out on her own. So far, she's not enjoying her new found independence. Poor kid. Life is tough. Even when you're 3 1/2.
(PS - for those of you who are a little too literal... I don't REALLY chew her food for her)


Justine said...

That's just the toughest thing to conquer! I've got one daughter who is just such a victim! She loves to play the victim and the poor soul who can't do anything. It's tough not to cave.

Good luck! I know she'll be better for you efforts (even if they don't work, just trying has to be a good thing, right?)

Lee said...

mine just turned 4 and will not allow any help. If i call her a little girl i am lectured on how she is a BIG girl not a little girl! They grow so fast!

Becky said...

I have one baby girl... and 4 boys. My girl is already VERY dramatic. I don't like to hear her cry.....I usually will do anything that she pleases. The thing is, I want too. I love doing things for her. She is so precious. She really has me tied around her finger.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

I am NOT going to reread this post as I am planning on enabling my youngest for a bit more, thank you.

Jessica said...

I did this with my oldest, cause honestly I didn't know she COULD do all this stuff by herself until a friend came over a while ago and told me all the stuff she does, even cooks dinner once a week! (their 7) So now Shay gets away with nothing, GET TO WORK GIRL!! HAHAHA!