Thursday, February 15, 2007

Okay, I wanted to try a different blog... blogger is okay, but I wanted some different choices and an easier format... so, I'm trying wordpress. I will still come here, and in the end, I might just keep this blog and get rid of the other. But, you can check out the new one at


Shirlee said...

I like the blogs I see on typepad but don't want to pay for it. It looks like you can really personalize them there which I think you can do with blogger but I'm not that savvy.
It would be nice if blogger was a little more user friendly and had easy methods to personalize them instead of having to know codes etc.
Cute story about you and your hubby. It must have been fate.

Jen Kershner said...

Hey Melissa- I just wanted to answer your question about the flowers. The stems are made from really skinny wooden dowels from the hardware store. A 4foot piece cost about .50 and I cut each one in to 1 foot pieces. Have a great day. Jen