Thursday, February 08, 2007

I had forgotten how much I love music. That sounds weird, doesn't it? I get so busy doing the every day stuff and I don't think about putting a CD in while I work. It doesn't occur to me to do it. Well, the other day I decided that I wanted to get some new music. So, I started looking around on the Barnes and Noble website. I didn't want to pay $18 for a CD with one or two songs on it. Then I remembered something, I have high speed internet now. We lived with dial up for so long that the thought of downloading music seemed laughable. But now, I have the power! So, I got hooked up with iTunes and I am loving it! I can't explain the joy that I feel when I listen to good music. I've downloaded everything from Green Day (clean stuff) to Diamond Rio. I'll have to be careful or music downloads will become my latest addiction.
So, what's your favorite kind of music? Do you have a favorite song or group??


Anonymous said...

Great idea Melissa getting your music from the net. Then you can pick exactly what you want. I love Diamond Rio too. I love to listen to music when I paint too. And should it on more often when I'm cleaning. RJ

Melissa said...

RJ - I'm going to try and use it to motivate myself to work out more. Even if I'm just dancing around with the kiddos. I'm trying to download music that just makes me FEEL good!!! :)