Monday, July 09, 2007

I think my kids are plotting against me. At first, I thought it was just paranoia on my part, but now... well, I really believe that they are trying to do everything in their power to make me crazy. Let's take the last 12 hours for example. Baby Girl went right to bed last night. Little Bug, on the other hand kept getting up, wandering around, and laughing at me when I told him to get back in bed. Finally, he went to sleep around 10:30 or so... my mind is a little fuzzy on the exact time. Then the devious plan was for Baby Girl to get up at 2 to use the bathroom. Now, she's almost 4. She can go to the bathroom by herself. Unless they are plotting against me and then that renders her completely incapable of doing ANYTHING by herself. So, up I get. Now, on her way to come get me out of bed she has taken her little blanket and hidden it. So, when the bathroom stuff is all done she wants the blanket. NOW. Won't go to sleep till it's found. But she won't get out of bed to look for it. Man these guys are good. I find the blanket, half throw it at her, and crawl back into my bed. The icing on the cake - 6:00 wake up call from Little Bug and Baby Girl sleeps in for one of the first times EVER. Why couldn't they both sleep in? Oh yeah. I forgot. They are trying to make me loose my mind through constant steady sleep deprivation. And apparently the plotting goes further than that... Baby Girl laughed and laughed and laughed when I stubbed my toe this morning. Seemed to think that any pain I was feeling was all for her amusement. And Little Bug keeps closing windows on the computer, taking programs off the desk top and then shutting the computer down. It's only 8:00 AM. I can feel the madness starting to settle in ::twitch, twitch::


SoDak Angel said... you want to join me on the crazy bus do you?

Melissa said...

Do you mean the Crazy Bus from the PBS tv show Arthur? Cause if that's the one, then I'm in. Crazy daisy crazy lazy bus...

flip flop mama said...

Hope your day gets better!! And you can get a little nap in! said...

Heh heh.. If I wasn't so insane myself, I might think you were overdramatizing. I mean, really? What trouble can a few little kids be, anyway?

Heh, heh... So far today? peanut butter eaten straight from the jar and smeared all over the doll station, popcorn kernels all over the floor, and the poop on the bathroom walls. (twitch twitch)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Aren't all moms on the crazy bus? Even when the little ones grow out of it the big ones start in--midnight hours to play and early mornings for work or school. I'm half afraid by the time they're all gone i will have forgotten how to sleep!

Hope you got in a good nap. Power naps are heavenly.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we all get on the same bus we can help each other... Hee Hee!

Sleep deprivation can do some intresting things to you.

I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in about four years. Man do I miss being able to go to bed and stay there until morning (like 7:30 am morning not 2 am or 4 am morning) but here in a few weeks I will only get less sleep and I will be up every 3 to 4 hours to feed the new one, oh well the joys of being "The Mom".

nic said...

ooh...speaking of crazy buses, I have a link for you!

Enjoy! (teehee)

Becky said...

I am with ya...I Do not remember the last time I slept through night...... Crazy bus for me.

Melissa said...

jamie - a nap sounds heavenly... and I would probably have to be dead to get one around her ;)

tracey - hey! We did poop smearing on Friday! :P

compulsive writer - can you do that? Can you forget how to sleep? Oh dear...

leah joy - what we all need to do is swap baby sitting so that we can nap at least once a week :D Too bad we are spread all over the country, eh?

nic - so, now, not only will my children keep me up, but I will have reoccuring nightmares about Cheech being a bus driver ;)

mom2princess - it's not always this bad... well... sometimes it's not always usually this bad... or something like that... man, I'm tired.