Monday, July 16, 2007

Any Dream Will Do
Have you ever had a dream that was so real that when you woke up you felt like it had really happened? One time I dreamt that Hubby was leaving me and I woke up crying. I threw my arms around my peacefully sleeping Sweetie and cried my heart out. Scared the crud outta him. Kinda funny now... but at that moment, I was heartbroken! I've had other dreams that are like action movies. Unfortunately, I'm not usually the heroine. I'm usually the victim and HUBBY is the villain. Just so you know, this is NOT a reflection of real life! But I do love the dreams where I am the heroine. Like last night - I was a karate chopping warrior! Defender of nations! Again, it was a very real dream. In it I had great hair and a body of steel. I awoke and the intensity of my disappointment still lingers with me, my friends. Where did my beautiful hair and body go?? Maybe I should go back to sleep? Or maybe I'll just go have a fudgesicle...


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Now that you mention it, a fudgesicle does sound pretty good...

Or maybe I'll finally book an appointment for a hair cut. You know, so my dreams and reality don't differ toooo much. =P

Anonymous said...

Last night I dreamed that George Bush acame and sat down in the living room full of people, but no one recognized him. Must've been nice for him, huh?

Anonymous said...

It's been so long since I've woken up and remembered my dreams. I wonder what that means?

Tammy and Parker said...

Hey You,

THANK YOU for the Good Mail! I love it. How talented are you anyway?

I'm super behind in my blogging, but I will get it up.

flip flop mama said...

I haven't remembered my dreams in a while either, but I did have one dream 2 years or so ago where I woke up sobbing. DH was a little scared, but helped me feel better so I could fall back asleep. I've always been fascinated by dreams...

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I got your sweet card made from homemade paper. I put it to good use. Overall, I'd say that with some perfumes and dyes you could give Charmin a run for their money.

I have extremely vivid dreams with a precognitive edge to them. I should start keeping a dream journal by the bed, because when the deja vu happens in real life, I'd like to remember what happened next from my dream. I dream about fellow bloggers sometimes too which is weird since I've never met any of you in person.

Maddy said...

Am I the only person on the planet who doesn't know what a fudgesicle is?

Slightly off topic, but yesterday I was in my real life but I felt like I was in a dream. [if you feel like an extra giggle you could pop over to my 'alien' site. If that's outrageous advertizing just delete this.
love m
[oh dear I've slipped into email mode rather than blog mode!]

Carrot Jello said...

Holy smokes, I was just listening to this song on my computer. HOw weird is that? Very weird I tell you.

Melissa said...

kimberly - I need a haircut sooo bad. Someday I'll make time for it... but probably not today...or tomorrow... maybe next week or something...

seabird- George Bush?? lol I don't think I've ever had a politician visit my dreams :)

kailani - it means that you have deep restful sleep ;)

tammy - you're welcome! Glad you like it!

jamie - I hate having dreams that make me upset like that. I've only had two that really really freaked me out... the first was the one about hubby... the other was about the kids - which I won't be sharing because it still freaks me out to think about it :(

elastic - so glad the card came! I knew you'd find something useful for it... but note, I never told you WHAT I made the paper from...

mcewen - I didn't know you had another site! I popped over and read but didn't have time to comment yesterday... poor hermit crabs! LOL And I emailed you about the fudgesickles ;)

carrot jello - really?? that is weird... some kind of blogging super connection :)

Unknown said...

I've dreamt several times that hubby did something that infuriated me and I kid you not: I woke up SOOOOO ticked at him. :-)

Melissa said...

amber - yeah... I've done that too... Hubby is usually the villian in my dreams - which doesn't win him any bonus points in real life... :S

Heather said...

I usually don't remember my dreams either- but I'm not feeling all that rested!

Anonymous said...

The dream thing happens to me all the time. I HATE it when they are bad dreams. And unfortunately... mine usually are.

Melissa said...

heather - I have been... er... blessed (???) with the ability to remember almost all of my dreams... which is not a good thing

kelly- I too have a lot of bad dreams... don't know how to make them stop. I wish I could though :S

Sarah said...

I remember my dreams every night and that's not a good thing. I often wonder if I'm going to be judged at the final day by all the terrible, evil things I do in my dreams. I usually just wake up relieved that I'm not as wicked as I am in sleep. My husband is the one who has the sad, scary dreams. I often have to wake him up in the middle of the night to shake him out of them. Poor lamb.

Dreams are freaky, that's for sure. I used to dream that I was going to work. I'd dream all the mundane details and it would seem like a full 8 hour shift. Then I'd wake up and have to go in and do it all again. That was by far my worst dream era.