Saturday, May 26, 2007

We had a meeting with the school to discuss Little Bug's transition from Kindergarten to 1st grade. That is what I assumed the meeting was about. Well, you know what they say about assuming... sigh. I got there and they started talking about the wonderful changes that they have made to the Special Day Kindergarten classes. I'm thinking "Okay... whatever. Can we talk about Bug's class now??" And they go on and on about all the great new things they are going to be doing. And really, it does sound great. But, I'm confused. So, I politely stop the endless chatter about the wonders of the new program and I ask if they are planning on putting him in Kindergarten again. "Yes" is the response. Then they talk about how the class he was in this year didn't follow the normal kindergarten curriculum. But, that it had been the most appropriate class for him at the time. And I admit, he has done VERY well in this class. But, I had been told that it was a Kindergarten class. It wasn't. It was more of an early intervention class. My heart sank. I try to explain that he is already older than all of the kids in his class NOW. He will be 7 in October and these kids will be so much younger. They assure me that there are a couple of other kids that will be 7 this next school year too. Then, they inform me that they have decided to put the children with more "severe problems in the morning classes". Then they talked about the reasons they feel that Little Bug should be in the morning class. I forced myself not to cry. You see, these are wonderful people who really do love my son and want what is best for him, as do I. I am fully aware of his struggles, but it is always hard to have others point them out so blatantly. ANYWAY, we will make the best of it. It really does sound like a great program. And it will probably be to his advantage to be older. It will be a good thing. Sigh... dang it.....