You must have a princess costume. Complete with jewels, high heels, and a fabulous dress!
You must have a pumpkin carved to look like your fave cartoon character!
UPDATE: Comments are closed! We have a busy day today, so the drawing will probably be later today. I am changing my method of drawing a name... I will now be using to pick names. I had not expected so many entries! Thank you so much!
Hey y'all! It's time for a giveaway! I had so much fun doing this last time.
So, here's how to play:
Leave a comment on THIS POST to be entered in my drawing. You need to comment between now and 8:00 Saturday morning. Only one entry per person please. Tell me which prize or prizes you would like to have your name entered in. If you don't specify, I will assume that you want your name in all of the drawings. Please be sure to leave an email address where I can contact you!
I'm afraid I'm only going to be able to ship to the US or Canada. Sorry Internationals :S
I will let the kiddos draw names sometime on Saturday, November 3rd.
Well, would ya like to see what the prizes are?
First we have "Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. I read it, enjoyed it, but probably won't read it again. It's in like new condition. I have to warn you... there is a little bit of language in this book. There. You've been warned :)Next we have a bag made by yours truly. The bottom, the handles and the lining are a tan color. The floral part is a robin egg blue and the roses are in reds and pinks with green and tan stems....
I decided to make some jewelry with a fall-ish flare for the drawing this time. The first one is a bracelet with amber colored beads and charms that look like old fashioned type writer keys that spell "LOVE".
Then we have a bracelet/earring set. The beads are brown and amber colored. The larger circle beads have copper/gold/amber sparkles in the beads. They are very pretty! The picture doesn't quite do it justice...
Kailani has been doing Aloha Friday for a few weeks now, but for one reason or another, I haven't been able to participate. But this week I am! Yeah! The premise behind it is for me to ask you a question and you, if you feel so inclined, answer it. :) So, here we go!
What was your favorite cartoon/t.v. show as a kid?
If you decide to participate in Aloha Friday, let me know!
**FINALLY** I got the picture to work... don't you love the blur on the right hand side? That would be Little Bug on our hopper ball... and yeah. Those are his rags... er... I mean pajamas.
Did I mention that when my Mom was here she helped me finish said Halloween costume? It turned out so cute! Baby Girl is excited about it, so that makes it even better. The crown she has is broken... so we will try to find another one. The last time I looked for crowns in the Halloween stuff, there weren't a lot there. We'll see what we can find.
I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and suggestions yesterday. I wish we could move. But Hubby is committed to at least another year down here for work and we have another year on our lease. But I wonder, is moving going to really solve this problem? Like so many of you said yesterday, how long before other states adopt similar laws? Or our Federal Government adopts it as a national law? There are no easy answers to this one. But, it's scary. There were some other things the Governator signed yesterday that I don't agree with either. :::INHALE::: Now, I need someone to remind me to exhale or I just might pass out!
Earlier this year I dropped the bowl to my old mixer. Since it was made of glass it shattered into a million little pieces. I didn't have the money to replace it. So, I used bowls that didn't really fit and held on tight while the beaters would toss the bowl around and make a mess. I don't like to mix things by hand (yeah, I would have been a crappy pioneer) and I never could get all the ingredients combined by using the old mixer with the mismatched bowl. Eventually I stopped baking.
So I waited... saved some money... and then it happened! Kohls had a sale. So I begged and pleaded and promised to bake all kinds of goodies. Actually, Hubby said yes right away, but I felt a tad guilty, so I kept asking just to make sure it really was okay. I'm annoying like that. Anyway, I went, got my lovely Cinnamon Red and brought it home. Started mixing applesauce bars and the beater was scraping the bowl and mixing a lovely black residue into my expensive ingredients (shortening and sugar). We messed with it and messed with it till Hubby noticed that the bottom was bent! ACK! MY MIXER WAS DEFECTIVE! I took it back and luckily they had another one. I brought it home and made my yummy treat. It worked beautifully. I made bread on Sunday morning and it was fabulous! Sigh... I am a happy woman! The down side to my new purchase: I'm baking more. Which means I'm eating more. Which means I'm gaining weight.... I still think it's worth it!
My Sweet Girl
I had written a huge post about my Baby Girl, but it just seems silly. Tomorrow is her birthday (the 10th).
Baby Girl,
I love you more than I could ever write in words. You and I are so similar and sometimes it makes me a little crazy. Sweet, yet sassy. Obedient, yet mischievous. Silly, yet serious. Joking, yet compassionate. So many opposites, yet, you and I seem to be able to embody them all. I love to watch you with your brothers. You play so well with Red and you always make sure to try and find a way to include Little Bug. You are a strength in our family already. The last 4 years have been amazing. I can't wait to see what the upcoming years will bring. I love you with all my heart!