Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
First of all, if you can tell me what movie the title of this post is from, I'll make you one of those little fabric bags! You'll get to pick your colors from my ever expanding fabric stash! I'm going to put a few together this weekend... so, whoever gets it correct first, wins!
Second, I just wanted to clarify on my list of goals: I have 100's of other things I could add to that list. I don't want y'all to think that I only have 4 things to work on! I've just discovered something about myself over the years. When I start out with a list that is 100 miles long, I get easily overwhelmed. Then I get discouraged. Next comes defeat, followed closely by feeling like a complete failure. So, I've learned to keep my lists short and sweet!
Now... onto the questions!
- For those of you who exercise in the mornings: Do you eat before you exercise? We've gone 2 days in a row (woohoo!!) and I haven't eaten anything... when I'm done I feel like puking my guts out. Any suggestions? Or is that just how I'm gonna feel till I get in shape?
- Does anyone have a good website that has healthy recipes? Or even a cook book I could check out? I don't want anything to complicated or with exotic (read expensive) ingredients...
- What is your favorite healthy meal? Would you be willing to share the recipe?
- Is it better to count calories or watch your fat intake or your cholesterol or sugars or salts...??? One person says to do this, another says that... does anyone really know?
- Now to a different topic... I bought a hair straightener and it makes my hair mostly straight, but kind of frizzy and the static it creates could power a small city. Any ideas on how to get it silky smooth and not have it fly away?
Okay... I think I'm done with the questions for now... I have another post brewing in my brain right now... it will probably go up later today... but if you can answer any or all of these questions, I would be most appreciative!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
We had a lesson in Relief Society (women's group at church) not long ago about being thankful. The teacher talked about how we have three major holidays grouped together at the end of each year and how one holiday should lead us to the next (she got the information from a guy who does talk radio, but I can't remember his name... sorry...). Anyway, the concept is that if you ("you" actually meaning "ME" or "I") really understand Thanksgiving and feel the true spirit of gratitude, then it should open your heart for Christ at Christmas time. And if you let Him into your life at Christmas, then you should be ready to change yourself with the coming of the new year. It was an interesting concept to me and one that I have given a lot of thought over the last few weeks. I'm not sure that I have the true spirit of gratitude or that my heart is really all that open, but I'm trying. And so, the next step is to change.
I thought if I posted a few things on here that maybe, perhaps, I'm hoping that it just might hold me more accountable. I might even design some kind of button for my sidebar that will link to this post... if I can figure out how to do that! So, here I go... my list of changes for 2008!
- Exercise at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes a day for 1 month. I know that's not a lot, but I did 15 minutes today and almost puked. I am REALLY out of shape. By the first of February I want to be exercising 4 times a week for 30 minutes a day. By March I want to be exercising 5 times a week for 45 minutes a day and by April it will be 60 minutes a day. If I can add days and minutes to my routine sooner, I will do it.
- I want to be a healthy eater. This will start by throwing out my "stash". Some of you may remember this bucket....
You may also remember that it is filled with this stuff....
It will be tossed. I will fill it with wheat to use in baking and and for sprouting to add to my diet and hopefully help put myself on a healthier path.
- I will read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover. This is part of an extended goal that lasts 4 years. 2 years ago I decided to read the Old Testament and the Pearl of Great Price - and I did. This year I read the New Testament - I have 3 chapters in Revelations left. Next year is the Book of Mormon and the year after that will be Doctrine and Covenants and Joseph Smith History. Hopefully I will have read all the standard works by the end of 2009!
- I will organize a closet or corner of my home each week. De-junk and take items to Good Will IMMEDIATELY. I will not hold onto things for "future garage sales". (This is a horrible habit of mine... I want to keep things so that we can have a yard/garage sale... so my house fills up with junk that I want to get rid of....)
So, that's my list. Only 4 things, but I feel like they are big things. I'm going to be asking for your help over the next few weeks... organizational tips, healthy recipes... those sorts of things! So get ready! 2008 is gonna be an AWESOME year!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
How was your Christmas? Did you have a wonderful day with your family and friends? Did Santa bring you what you had asked for? I know he must have... y'all are so stinkin good! Christmas here was nice and mellow. Nothing to crazy. Just our little family opening gifts and enjoying the day. I think everyone got something that they love. So that was a major bonus. And I got some pretty darn wonderful gifts too! All in all, it was a great day.
But, that great day is over. Hubby has gone back to work and I am left here with sleep deprived, sugar rushing, spoiled kidlets who are making me crazy. It's a good thing that Jolly ol' St. Nick has already made his rounds. The tantrums coming from this house would drive him away in the blink of an eye! They're about to drive me away! I think we've finally reached an unspoken truce... they will leave me alone to cool off for awhile, I won't scream at them for crying over EVERY LITTLE THING! It's a good bargain... we'll see how long it lasts.
As for the blogging stuff, since I am not super-ultra-mega-girl, I'm not going to attempt reading very many blogs right now. Nothing personal, it's just that my children are demanding. They won't let me sit at my computer for more than a few minutes. And y'all have been bloggin up a storm! It's only been a few days since I've read anything, but my Google Reader is full to the rim with your wonderful posts. I'll get to them... but it will be slow going...
Right now I have to go play "eating food game" with Baby Girl and her new kitchen. Then I might take the kids to the park so that Little Bug can ride his new scooter... and who knows? If the craziness doesn't get too out of control, I might have Red pull out his Transformers Risk game and we'll try to figure the darn thing out! It all depends on the level of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth... thankfully, there are only 12 more days till school starts again... 12 days and counting....
Friday, December 21, 2007
I'm gonna take a little bloggy break to enjoy the holidays with my family. Hubby has a couple of extra days off and the kids don't go back to school till the 7th of January... it's gonna be a long two weeks! But it will be fun too! You'll know that I'm back in the bloggin game when you see yet another template change! I thought about making a resolution to leave it alone for more than 2 weeks... but why? :)
Enjoy this fun little clip and have a very Merry Christmas!!
First off... I'm not sure if I like the new design of the blog. Sound off... what do you think?
Second... I have been given a recipe and it is just TOO GOOD not to share with y'all! It's Enchilada Soup and it's super easy and oh so good to eat!
Okay... got that out of the way! Here we go!
6-8 boneless skinless chicken breasts
3 large cans of green enchilada sauce
2 cans of black beans - rinsed
2 1lb. bags of frozen sweet white corn
Put chicken in crock pot and put in enough enchilada sauce to cover chicken. Let simmer till chicken is cooked through. Pull chicken out and shred then add back to pot. Add corn and beans and warm through. How easy is that?? You can garnish with all kinds of goodies... I like cilantro, cheese and Fritos...
picture was taken Frito-less because I had forgotten that we had Fritos... Hubby likes his with cilantro, tomatoes, sour cream, cheese, Fritos and just about anything else he can find! I don't put all those things in my soup because it makes me feel like Elasticwaistbandlady in a Dollar General. We'll just leave it at that. The point is, this is a yummy soup! Let me know if you try it one of these days!
I think I'm going to post about soup every Friday for awhile... do you mind? I hope not... If you'd like to join in and post your favorite soup recipes, be my guest! Let me know if you've done it. Soup is one of my most favorite things in the world and I'm always looking for new recipes!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Last year Baby Girl was a real stinker. Hubby had wanted a remote control airplane for a LONG time. So, I decided to splurge a little and get him one. I took Baby Girl with me and she was so excited about the airplane. I stressed and stressed that this was a secret and that she shouldn't tell ANYONE, but especially Dad. When Hubby got home she said, "Look Dad! See that big box? It's your airplane!" She said that every time she saw him for almost 2 weeks. It was frustrating and annoying. Fast forward to this year. She has been with me for almost every purchase I have made, but if she asks me about it I say "I don't know what it's for. I'm just buying it. Here, have some candy!" The girl has had more Mini M&M's this season that I would care to admit!! But last night she went out with Hubby so they could get me a gift. We draw names in our own little family and Baby Girl has my name. I kept teasing him, telling him that there was no way she could keep a secret.
But, there was one thing I forgot. He is smarter than I am. Oh, yes he is. And I must admit, this idea was brilliant. They got their gifts and then Hubby had Baby Girl pick out a package of straws - you know, drinking straws and he told her that they were for me. They got home I teased by asking her what they got me. She proudly thrust the blue box in my hands and said, "We got you straws! See Mom?!!" She was so excited. And Hubby just sat there. Grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat. Outwit, Outplay, Outlast...
Score: Hubby 1; Me 0
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Have any of your husbands/dads/sons/boyfriends (basically anyone of the male gender) started their holiday shopping yet? I was just wondering if my Hubby will be the only one dashing around town the next few days hoping and praying that what he's looking for (I have no idea what that might be) will still be on the shelf. On Monday night at dinner I mentioned that Christmas was in a week and his head popped up so fast I thought he had given himself whiplash. He had no idea that it was so close. The truly strange thing: he doesn't seem panicked. Not one bit. If it were me, I would be like a chicken with my head cut off. Running around in circles till I fell over dead. Isn't that a fun mental image? Anyway, there was one year where I looked and looked and looked for something for Little Bug. I finally went out and bought a car track on Christmas Eve. The whole mental anguish of looking for the "perfect gift" stressed me out in ways that I cannot explain! And he just seemed so calm this morning when I asked him if he would need a night this week to go shopping. "Yeah, I guess so." GAAAH!!
So, fill me in! Are the xy chromosomes in your life Supermen who got their shopping done the day after Thanksgiving? Or will they be Scrambling men like my own sweetheart? And do they seem panicked at all?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I have had so much fun this holiday season. I'm looking forward to Christmas and have really been feeling the true Spirit of the season. Till the last few days. I've felt down and frustrated and ready to curl up and be done with Christmas. What happened that changed this feeling so drastically?? Well, I'll tell you...
I went shopping.
It started with having to go to the mall for the last of my stocking stuffers - books from Barnes and Noble. Baby Girl twirled and ran and bumped into people. I apologized and a few smiled. But most glared and "Harrumph"-ed their way past us. When I left I felt a tad defeated. Sure I got the items I was looking for, but the smile was starting to disappear from my face.
Then I had to go to WalMart. I hate going in, but when a girl is on a budget you've got to go for cheap. And we live in a valley that doesn't believe in cheap. Ask any of my Mercedes or BMW owning neighbors. There are some fantastic stores down here, but they are expensive unless they have a good sale. The things I needed were not on sale anywhere... so, to WalMart I went. Looking back in retrospect, perhaps the extra money paid would have been worth it. Although, people here are just grumpy right now. So, I may have had the same experience anywhere.
I thought I could make the best of the situation. I smiled at people. I said "Hello" and "Excuse me" as I pushed my way through the minions of other shoppers trying to stick to a budget. People glared, stepped in front of me ON PURPOSE, blocked lanes while they visited with others for a good 5 minutes and were, in general, grouchy. And I'm just talking about the EMPLOYEES! Don't get me started on the other shoppers. It made me want to yell, "GO HOME! And take your stinkin grinchy attitude with ya!" GRRR!
So, if you're looking for a fantastic way to kill off the Christmas Spirit, head to your local WalMart where the employees are rude and the shoppers are heartless. Or, go shopping in general. But, if you want to keep that lovely Spirit alive, finish your shopping online!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
First off in our randomness is the blog change. I think this is one of my favorites! What say ye??
We went to the San Diego Zoo yesterday and as we were walking in we saw this sign:
Red promptly asked "What about pants? It doesn't say anything about pants?" So, if you are planning to visit the San Diego Zoo any time soon, please know, pants are optional.
While at the zoo we got to see the pandas and this one gave me a smile...
In gingerbread house news....
I won first prize at our church dinner! Woo hoo! I won some very cute coasters and some hot cocoa. I was a tad embarrassed though, everyone else had bought kits. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Not one other homemade house in the place. We'll just have to see if I am crazy enough to try it again next year.
Oh, and for those of you that wanted the syrup recipe that I mentioned...
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 TBSP. water
Combine everything in a small sauce pan. Heat over medium heat (any higher and the sugar will BURN) and stir continuously. Bring to a boil - turn heat to medium low and let boil (still stirring) for 4 minutes. Wahlah. All done!
I'm afraid that's all the randomness I have for today. We watched the first Bourne movie on Thursday and the other two last night. We finished around 1:30 and my brain isn't working as well as I'd like it to right now! I hope you have all had a wonderful Sunday!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Gingerbread making is a serious pain in the buttocks! I had no idea how much work just making the darn cookie pieces was going to be. My Mother in law makes a small gingerbread house for every grand kid to decorate at Thanksgiving. There are 21 grand kids. And she always makes extras just in case a couple break. She is an amazing woman to go through this every stinkin year! I know that I could have bought a kit and made a house that was kind of small and that would have looked a lot like this:

Do you like the smoke coming out of the chimney in the back? What do you think? Is it better than the kit? (yes, I'm totally fishing for compliments... ) No one, I repeat, NO ONE will be eating this house. It will be on display in my home for the next 20 years. I think I will have it enshrined in a plastic case...
One great tip I got from my MIL was about construction. Instead of using royal icing to put it together we made a really heavy syrup - like what you would use for suckers. It sets almost immediately and it's hard as a rock! You don't have to sit and wait for the icing to dry for each piece. And if it does harden in the pan, you just put it back on the stove for a second and you can use it again! Then we used the royal icing for the decorating. Just thought I'd pass that along in case any of you are contemplating a similar journey...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The other day I was browsing at Barnes and Noble online when I came across this video : Claymation Christmas
This was a FAVORITE as a kid! My parents recorded it off of the T.V. and we watched it over and over. Don't remember it? Well, here are a few clips! The Three Wise men is my favorite...followed VERY closely by the Carol of the Bells
What's your favorite Christmas show from when you were a kid?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I have never made gingerbread. That's right. NEVER. So, why in the world did I sign up to bring a gingerbread house to our church's Christmas dinner? I HAVE NO IDEA! And now I'm stressin a little bit! What in the world was I thinking? I have put houses together before, but that hasn't always worked out really well. They tend to lean a little bit and cave in on themselves. Fantastic. What have I done?? Is gingerbread hard to make? Will I regret this for the rest of my life? I admit that I love new crafts, but I don't really like to display my first try for the world to see... maybe if it turns out badly I'll tell them that the kids made it... yeah... that would work... right?
Any tips for making amazing gingerbread houses?? I'll take whatever you can give me!!
Monday, December 10, 2007

... had a rough night and finally fallen asleep around the time you're supposed to be getting up?
...eaten cake for breakfast to balance out the effects of a really rough night?
... tied a girls hair in rags (little strips of fabric) and then taken great joy at the wonderful curls that follow?
... had to take a Christmas present back BEFORE Christmas? (I just found out that the gift I got for hubby has been recalled...)
... bought something online and then used the UPS tracking number to check on that package 100 times each day because you're so excited about what is coming??
... found yourself just as excited about Christmas as your kids? But in a different more peaceful way?
... spent an afternoon creating lots of different blog banners because you have downloaded enough Christmas digital scrap booking stuff to keep even the most devoted scrapbooker busy for years??
... gotten behind on something because you totally and completely forgot about it? Yeah... I forgot about my little devotional blog. How lame is that? For those of you who have been following it, it's finally updated. You can check it out here.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Just a few pictures of our tree decorating extravaganza from yesterday...
Baby Girl loved to just sit and stare at the lights even before we had the ornaments on it.
If you'll notice in the picture right above, there is a rather large clump of ornaments on the bottom of the tree... I was going to leave them, but Little Bug had put some glass and some heavier ornaments all on one branch. I was afraid they would fall and break, so I rearranged a few. Not many, but I don't want to loose any of these ornaments! Little Bug also got to put the star on top! He's never done it before. Never shown any interest in it till this year. But he knew exactly what to do with it!
And then we have the finished product. The first picture is with the flash, second is without...
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Some people don't like birthdays. They pretend that they don't have a birthday and go on with their customary routines. They don't want anyone to acknowledge that they are getting older. They just want a regular, normal day. I'm not one of those people!
December 7th is my happy day! And so, of course, I've changed the look of the blog! Some of you have asked what I'm going to do on this glorious day... For me, this day is about relaxing and spending time with family so that they can pamper me. SO!! First off I'm going to have an applesauce bar and cup of hot cocoa for breakfast. I think I'll throw a spoonful of carmel in the cocoa just for good measure! Then I'll get the boys out the door for the day. Baby Girl and I are going to go out for lunch. If Hubby can meet us, great. If not, we're going out anyway. We might head to Barnes and Noble or maybe Kohl's for a little bit. Then we'll come home and wait for Red and Little Bug to get home. We'll decorate our Christmas tree and get pizza for dinner. (I am NOT cooking on my day! The closest I'll come to that is boiling water for my cocoa!!) Then, on Saturday (yep, we will continue to celebrate the next day... I like to stretch it out for as long as possible) we are headed to San Diego (unless it rains). We will go to the zoo and then hit a fabulous restaurant in Temecula on the way home. Which restaurant? Don't know... don't care! As long as I don't have to cook it and they don't serve it to me in a cardboard box, I'm good!
So, I'm curious... how do you like to celebrate your birthdays? Do you celebrate with friends? Family? Both? Or do you like something more quiet? To do a few things on your own? Enquiring minds want to know...okay, so that should say "enquiring mind" since I'm probably the only person who wants to know, but still! Humor me, please?!
p.s. I know that Kool and the Gang don't really bring the Christmas spirit, but I couldn't resist...
Today was a crazy day... I'm trying to get lots done today so that I don't have to do a darn thing tomorrow*. I had to mail a package, I went and joined the local chapter of the American Autism Society, took some toys over to the Toys for Tots drop off (that's my good thing for the 25 days to make a difference), looked around Toys R Us for the last few stocking stuffers - couldn't find them, so we headed to Lowes to get our Christmas tree, and then to Wal-Mart (the bane of my existence) to get the stocking stuffers. Lots of errands. Then I ran home, cleaned up, got some laundry done, cleaned a little more... just general rushing around. Tonight I'm going to grade papers for Red's teacher, make some applesauce bars to enjoy in the morning, and hopefully watch the first Bourne movie. If I have time, I just might get some Christmas cards ready to be sent. All of this craziness just to be a bum tomorrow. But it will be worth it...
Don't forget to go here for the mini devotional...
*why am I insisting on a life of ease tomorrow? Because it's my birthday! This is my gift to myself... a clean house and nothing above and beyond keeping the children and myself alive for 24 hours :)
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It feels a little weird to talk about the nice things I've done... but, I have to blog about it so they know I'm participating. So, today I did the dishes for my Hubby. That is usually his job, but I knew today was going to be a rough one for him, so I decided to finish that task for him.
So, would you like to join in? Do you want to participate? This is a really cool thing! The deadline to sign up is on Saturday the 8th. You only have to participate 3 times a week, but, the more often you participate, the better your chances are. So, go on! Go sign up! Do something good in the world today!
Good Idea: making delicious salsa for a yummy treat and eating a LITTLE while watching T.V.(see previous post)
Bad Idea: making delicious salsa for a yummy treat and eating almost ALL of it while watching T.V.
I ate and ate and ate that stuff last night. It was so good! But not a good idea. My tummy rumbled all night long... bleh. I'm still not feeling too grand today, but, I'm sure that in awhile, I'll eat a little salsa for breakfast. Because I like to punish my body so that I can eat things that taste good.
The video is a tad morbid, but it makes me laugh. :)
Here's the recipe for the salsa. I got it from my Mom, who got it from my Aunt. Not sure if my Aunt came up with it or not... but here it is
Pomegranate Salsa
1 lime - juiced
2 pomegranates - peeled and fruit pulled out
2 avocados - chopped very fine
2 tomatoes - chopped very fine
2 green onions (I use regular onion) - chopped very fine
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. red pepper
1 tsp. coriander (I don't have this, so I don't use it)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
After chopping avocados, put in lime juice - make sure they are coated with the juice. This will help them from browning. Add pomegranates, avocados, tomatoes, onions, salt, pepper, coriander and cilantro. I like to let it sit for awhile so that the flavors can mix. Serve with Frito's or other corn chip! Enjoy - but don't pig out on it like I did...
The devotional is up for the day.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I made salsa tonight! So yummy!!
What's that?? Still can't tell what it is... well, let's get a little closer....
Closer still...
Yesterday I blew my top. And the words that spilled from my mouth were like molten lava. They burned a scorched everyone that got in my way. It was a humbling moment when I walked down the hall and heard Baby Girl yelling at her toys saying the exact words I had just said to her. I got so caught up in my feelings that I let it overflow to those around me. I'm tired of house work. No, tired isn't the right word. You see, I am a person who loves projects. BUT, those projects need to have a beginning, middle, and an end for me to feel satisfied with the outcome. Housework isn't like that. It's a circle. For example - I finished the laundry yesterday. Spent the entire day washing, folding, putting away. And then when everyone got in their pajamas last night they threw their clothes into the hampers - meaning that I didn't FINISH the laundry. There was no end. I got the dishes done, then we had lunch - more dishes. We got the toys cleaned up, then the kids wanted them back out to play. I'm really struggling with the fact that there just isn't an end. There is no real finished product. It makes me frustrated and at times, angry.
I apologized to the kids and tried to make it up to them. Red was already at school when it happened, so he was safe. I took a magazine to Little Bug that was from the San Diego Zoo. It was full of pictures from the Wild Animal Park of the 4 baby elephants that have been born there in the last 3 years. He loves elephants! We sat and looked at the pictures and said "elephant" for each picture and then giggled. Baby Girl and I spent some time together after Little Bug went to school. I painted her toes a lovely shade of sparkly blue and we watched a PBS cartoon together. We giggled and had a lot of fun. I just wish I could have done those things for fun and not as an apology.
So, how do you get through your housework? How do you find joy in it and not let it become drudgery? Any ideas how I can feel accomplished with this? I just want to feel like what I do matters. And right now, it doesn't. Plus, I can't blow my top like that every time I'm frustrated with folding laundry... suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Don't forget to go here today :)
Sunday, December 02, 2007
You may want to turn the music off before you watch this clip...
Have you seen this movie?? It was WONDERFUL! I enjoyed it! I know there are others that feel it moves a little slowly, but to me, it was captivating. If you get a chance, you really should see it!
December 2nd & 3rd devotionals are up over here.