Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Chaotic Choppers
Back in January I went to the dentist and gave him every penny to our names to have a little work done. A root canal was the biggest thing they did. They took all the sticky nasty impressions and put on a temporary crown. I was supposed to go back in a month for the permanent crown. But, my appointment came at the time when we were so sick. So, I rescheduled for March. Went in and the crown was the wrong size. The lab had not gotten it quite right. It felt huge in my mouth and the dentist couldn't get floss between my two teeth. This, I guess, is a bad thing. More goopy impressions were taken and another appointment was made for today.
I get in there and they put the new crown in. It feels great to me ... but then the dentist comes in and proclaims that it's still not right! Grr... he walks out of the room without so much of an apology or "We'll see if we can get this fixed as soon as possible" nothing. So, I waited for him to come back. I was ready to start talking about a partial refund! Because if it were any other industry, a discount would be given. But the guy never came back in! The dental assistant took care of everything else... but you can bet that when I go back in three weeks I'm gonna bring it up!
What would you do? Would you say something? Or would you bite your tongue with your temporary crown and just keep going back without mentioning it??


  1. Definitely say something. Be professional, but firm in what you ask for. I had a problem with a root canal and crown a while ago. I think I told you about it. I spoke to the dentist about my frustrations and ask how he would make it right. The entire thing ended up being free. Worth a try right?

  2. Yeah, you might as well ask. It seems like they are making a lot of mistakes and you have been really patient so far.

  3. Never hurts to try. You are so right--any other industry would give you a discount. (Well, any other industry except the airlines--they cancel and do whatever and charge you for everything but when you're inconvenienced WHO CARES!!!) (Can you tell I'm sitting at the airport and our flight is LATE!!!)

  4. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Girl - the dentist is providing a service to YOU. You are paying HIM to provide that service. Therefore, it stands to reason, that you need to make your voice heard. Be frank, be specific, and let them know what kind of resolution you want. Wether it's a partial discount or an apology or whatever. Don't make it an emotional issue - just be honest & direct.

    Keep us updated!

  5. You should totally say something. That is just ridiculous. I think they forget sometimes that not everyone is rich. You should make it your mission to help them to remember. How frustrating.

  6. I don't know. I'd feel differently if he had come back into the room and apologized and talked to you about it. I mean, he's just a guy trying to do his job, and it sounded like he was a little frustrated too.

    But I don't have a lot of patience for the being ignored type of customer service. I think you should get a refund just for that.

  7. Awkward for me because my dentist is my hubby's cousin. But if it were my other dentist, to whom I was not related, I would definitely at least bring it up. It never hurts to ask.

  8. What about pain and suffering?? Getting a babysitter, waiting, getting poked more times than usual? Just kidding, but I would be bugged and put up a professional fuss. Works at Costco, right?

  9. I would be angry too, but I probably wouldn't have the guts to say anything... maybe when this ordeal is over you should shop for a new dentist! I don't like giving repeat service to people when they obviously are treating you poorly. I think because insurance generally pays most of our dental bills, that dentists feel like they can get away with more... or maybe they've just forgotten how difficult it is to be the one "in the chair"!

  10. hhmmm... i would probably be frustrated enough to say something. you definitely shouldn't have to pay for extra lab work or the office appointments. keep us updated.

  11. The worst thing is trying to schedule appointments around times you can find someone to tend your kids.

    The time lost alone should be compensated.

    I'm having major tooth problems. I can't afford to get it fixed. :(

  12. An apology would have helped, huh? Sometimes I wonder if pride gets in the way of apologies, but it would make such a difference if a person admitted a mistake and tried to do something to make it right.

    I love my dentist...he always treats us with respect and fairness, and he is never arrogant. Maybe there is a dentist out there that would work out better for you and your family. Meanwhile, I hope you get a crown that is just right for you! :)


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