Monday, April 07, 2008

Lesson Learned
Little Bug is one smart kid. He is patient. He knows how to watch and wait for the moment to try and get away with something. These plotted activities are always things that he knows he shouldn't do. He waits for me to be preoccupied and then makes a dash for it!
For example, when we lived in Oregon he got out the front door. But, I didn't know he had gotten out. I had been folding laundry. He had gone out, taken his clothes off and was trying to play in a little ditch that ran past the house. An officer was driving by, noticed the little naked boy all alone by the busy road and stopped. He asked Little Bug where he lived and what his name was, but, of course, Little Bug can't talk. A friend drove by, saw the cop car and stopped to see what was wrong. She told the officer where the naked little turkey lived and then picked him up and brought him to the door. I had no idea he wasn't in the house.
A few days later he got out the side door. I looked everywhere in the house. I ran hysterically up and down the street. A neighbor got on his bike and started searching. I started knocking on doors. Then I headed home to get in the car to start looking for him... and there he was. Sitting in the van giggling as he shook plastic Easter eggs with rocks in them. After that we got latches on the tops of the doors and alarms. He never figured out how to undo the latches, but if we ever forgot to hook them, the blaring siren let us know he was outside!
We thought the Houdini stuff was over...
Till yesterday. We had friends over for dinner and to play some games in the evening. The kids were all playing when I noticed that the front door was open. We immediately started looking for all the kids, but couldn't find Little Bug. I peeked out the back window and he was outside... on the other side of our back fence. You see, there is a kind of walk way behind our house and you can access it from a little park in our neighborhood. He had gone out, walked down the road, into the park and behind all the houses. I was not a happy camper.
Tonight? Hubby and I were folding laundry. He went out and tried to run into the road when a neighbor kid grabbed him and kept him out of the street. I brought him in, locked the door, sat him on his bed, scolded, tried to get him involved in some toys, and went back to folding. He got out again and got into the neighbor's back yard... the one with the swimming pool. This whole post makes me sound like a horrible mother. I really do try to keep my eyes on him, but I can't follow him around all day. He's so sneaky! He will wait for the opportune moment and then run like mad!
But, now that I think about it... 3 out of 5 escapes have been while I was doing laundry... hmm... I think it's a sign that I should never do laundry again... what do you think?

P.S. - We will be getting some kind of alarm on the doors. We would do latches, but we are renting and I'm not sure the landlord wants us putting holes in the doors... I'm going to call him, just to check... any other suggestions besides never eating, sleeping, doing housework, or going to the bathroom so that I can follow him around every moment?


  1. Oh boy, that is a tough one. Surely your landlord would understand the need for additional locks and I think the alarms on the doors are the way to go. That must be so stressfull for you. I hope it gets better.

  2. Oh yeah and you should for sure STOP all laundry. It's about time some starts making throw away clothes (that are eco-friendly of course)

  3. You sound like a great mom. You found him every single time!

    My sister has a similar problem, only her boy gets into mischief. Last weekend he flooded a toiled, found the shoe polish, and dumped a bucket of water in his carseat. And she really does watch that kid!

    I think you're doing great. Though little bug might have to start spending more time in the laundry room...

  4. ditch the laundry asap. you want your little bug safe don't you? you should prolly stop all housework until the alarms are in.

    even then no need to begin too quickly

  5. I have been there and still am. Mine sneak out and go to one of the neighbors when I am helping one of the others with their homework, or peeing. You are not a bad mom. It is impossibe to keep track of three or more kids all at the same time and get anything done. I have had even my 2 year olds sit and fold washcloths next to me. I don't know how old bug is. It is really hard. My mom is always telling me I need to keep them all by me helping me work. Yeah right. Can you even imagine? 5 kids, whatever!

  6. I would definately STOP all housework like right now if I was you. And I think that I will also stop all my housework just because I want to be simpathetic to your situation. That's a great idea, right?

    And I think you are a great mom. You found him and he was still in one piece, even though you probably wanted to rip him to shreds. :D I have a Houdini myself. He followed me one night when I left to go set up for Pack Meeting. My husband didn't know he was gone until the teenage neighbor girl brought him to the door and said, "I think he belongs to you". He was two years old and wasn't even wearing socks or shoes. He had made it all the way around the block from our house. ALmost out to the main road. Yikes! So I totally get that sometimes they are just stinkers and mischeivious.
    Wow! Sorry, long comment. LOL

  7. What a nightmare!
    I have no advice! I just don't know what I'd do! The pool thing is really the scariest. Is he water safe?

  8. I remember all those incidents happening. Yes--stop doing laundry and all housework and follow him all day long! We have a relatively new family in our ward who has a 4 year old autistic boy. They are raising money now to get him a guide dog from ohio. You can check it out at It's amazing!

  9. that would be hard. to be truthful, i can't imagine what life would look like with a kid like that. i'm sure you're a great mom in a hard situation. hope it gets better and easier for you.

  10. Oh the stress of that! Owie!

    Definitely appeal to the landlord. If they're at all human and you explain that your son's safety is at risk (and that you'll spackle the holes when you leave?), they'll give permission readily.

    In the meantime - argh!

  11. I will be happy to help you start the campaign to ban all laundry!!!

  12. the joy of children. I have a story of small running children. We had just moved in-literally h-ad been here for 4 hours. I looked around and couldn't find my 3 year old. I looked everywhere and was freaking out! In our old house there was not anything really exciting to get out and see-here, all new people, friends etc. I look all over the house-go to open the door and there is my new neighbor with my half naked 3 year old. i was mortified. (not as much as you i am sure with the whole police thing) Come to find out my neighbor has more than a few issues of her own, so no big deal-now-but at the time-big deal. We attached lockes at the top of the doors-they worked-i would be calling my landlord-just so you can as sane as us moms can be with small people.

  13. I understand your frustrations a bit. J is forever going off visiting. He knows he's supposed to be in the front yard where I can see him, but I find him down the street all the time!

  14. I thought you were lazy...If you actually fold the laundry you are doing great! Too bad it would be inhumane and psycho to put tracking devices or those shock collars on our kids! Any time they left the area a big shock and a nice alarm. Just a thought, but not a serious one!

  15. I agree with everyone--the household chores have got to go ; )

    I would call the landlord and explain the situation. (I also think there are some door alarms that you just mount on the doorknob--they're for when you travel and you can put them on your hotel doors. Just a thought)

    You are a wonderful mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. You should definitely just give up on that whole laundry bag. Clean clothes and personal hygiene are highly over-rated. Or maybe just tether him to the house? Best of luck.

  17. Maybe you could teach your bug to do the folding of the laundry? :)

    If you come up with a good idea, please let me know. I have a feeling we will be right there with you in a few years.

  18. I feel for you, girl. :S

    I would certainly ask the landlord. Me, being the snotty, do it anyway person that I am, would still put up the latches, even if the jerk said not to. (assuming he's a jerk, if he won't agree to it, of course...)

    Not knowing where my child is would cause me terrible stress. You sound like you're dealing with it way better than I would!

    Good luck. I hope you're able to find a solution. And sorry I'm not more help.

    But if stopping all housework is the answer, I say GO FOR IT! (hee hee)

  19. DEFINITELY quit doing laundry FOREVER! ;)

    Seriously though, I would just be rebellious enough to install latches without asking the landlord's permission. What if he were to say no? Your child's safety is the most important factor here! When it's time to move, it's very simple to remove the latches, fill the holes with caulk or spackle, and repaint the area.

    No, you don't sound like a horrible mother AT ALL! In fact, your experiences sound very familiar! My neighbor, who is a wonderful mother, has a 7 year old son with serious disabilities, mostly with physical development, but also with speech. That sweet and loving boy is the smartest, fastest, most devious little guy I've ever met! They have latches and gates and all kinds of safety measures, and he finds ways to defeat them all! He's gotten away many times, and once when he was much younger, he ended up in the pool as a near drowning victim. (He was miraculously saved by the power of a Priesthood blessing.)


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