Thursday, April 10, 2008

Little Things
This is one of my favorite little things...

I have three little things that run around my house and I love them all. When they accomplish things, my heart cheers. But, when this one accomplishes something, my heart does somersaults and back hand springs!
Yesterday he brought home this paper:We figured that "no help" meant that they had sat there with the crayons, handed him the color, pointed to the spot and he colored it on his own. But, Hubby wanted to see for sure. So, he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a bunch of colors on it. Got out the crayons and had Little Bug come sit down. Hubby pointed to "red" on the paper, but didn't say the name, and asked Bug to find that color. He grabbed the red crayon and not only did he put the red crayon on the word red, he traced the letters in the word! (Ignore the craft-astic mess in the background)He got every single color right... but he wouldn't use the white. He picked up the white crayon when we got to that point, but then he just stared at us as if to say "The paper is white... this won't work." And then he put the crayon away.Oh how I love the little things!April is National Autism Awareness month. I have been meaning to blog about it, but I'm never sure what to say. Many of you are probably aware of the numbers...
1 in 144 kids will be diagnosed with autism.
3 out of 4 of those kids will be boys.
1.5 million Americans have autism.
We watched a show last night that said that the number of cases of autism has jumped almost 10% each year for the last few years.
And no one knows why.
I don't know what I am trying to say... learn a little more about autism. Be aware of the kids in your communities that may have autism. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most parents are more than willing to tell you about their kids. I know I am. I love it when people ask questions because it means that they now have a little better understanding of why Little Bug acts the way he does.
I'm not going to tell you how many times I have had people glare or mutter about "that brat" because of melt downs in a public place. Before you wonder why that parent doesn't "do something about their kid", consider the possibility that there may be nothing they can do...
Just food for thought.


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    This is a frame and post on the fridge page!!!! :o) Fantastic!!!

  2. I can't believe how much he had grown and changed since you moved. It looks like he's made tremendous growth! Yea!!! What a cutie!

  3. Yeah! I can't even imagine how thrilled you are, but I know I'm excited. Hope the spring brings you more milestones for all the family!

  4. That's fantastic! I love those milestones that are easy to measure - thus celebrate. Congrats to all of you!!

  5. That is so wonderful, melissa. Congratulations.

    Thank you for posting about this. I know the feeling of people staring and glaring--it used to really bother me.

  6. Truly inspiring. :) That's so wonderful about the colors. I'm sure it was a moment almost like giving birth in all it's crazy joy!

    How wonderful for him. (And for you. ;)

    Thanks for talking about autism. As you know, I've been becoming more aware of it lately - BOY HAVE I EVER! - and I think I'm beginning to know why. At the very least, I'm more aware of children with autism and what they're dealing with, as well as the parents, as you said. I have such admiration and respect for anyone dealing with autism.

    It's been a journey of information and knowledge gathering over the last year or so that has pretty much changed my life and who I am and how I do things.

    Congratulations to Little Bug. It's a wonderful achievement. I could feel your joy. :) And I'm happy for you too.

  7. What a cute little guy...The first pic I've seen. Good to put a face with the name Little bug. I did a little dance for him too!

  8. What a beautiful post. It brings tears to my eyes when you talk about your little bug. It's so obvious how much you love him. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your family with us.

  9. A good friend of mine has an autistic daughter who is seven now... I marvel at what she has to deal with every day, but she says that if it had happened to me, I would have been able to handle it because the Lord doesn't give you a challenge that you can't handle! Congrats to all!

  10. Awesome day!!! Thank you for sharing it. Milestones are terrific, but these kinds of milestones are even better than terrific.

  11. wow! you must have been thrilled at his accomplishment.

    i've been reading and seeing shows on autism and it's quite alarming how much the numbers are going up. my heart breaks for these kids and their families. i can only imagine how hard things must be at times. i've also read how much happiness they bring to a family.

  12. He's ready to join the Rainbow Coalition.

    No, not Jesse Jackson's goofy group....A Rainbow Coloring Coalition.

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    It was really cool, but why does it look like I'm smoking a pink and purple cigar?

  14. I'm so proud of little Bug!!!!! That is awesome! Give him a big hug from me!!!! Thanks for answering all of my endless questions about autism! I think I'm actually able to understand and explain to others a little more now! You're awesome!

  15. This post made me feel so happy inside for you and your hubby and Little Bug! It's just wonderful! :D

  16. That makes me so happy... what a proud moment for you as a parent!! It really is all about the little things, but that is kindof a big thing!!

  17. Hurray! HOw wonderful!


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