Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Breathe In, Breathe Out
My chest feels like I have cinder blocks sitting on it. I slept under 4 blankets last night and was still cold. When I cough, I feel like someone is lighting a fire in my lungs. My throat is raw and swollen. I felt fine most of the day yesterday. And then last night it slammed into me...Red appears to be having some of the same symptoms.
This can't happen - not now! We can't get sick!! I won't allow it. We are supposed to go to DisneyLand next week! WE CAN'T BE SICK. :( I'm so frustrated by the thought of having to cancel our trip. I know it's petty and silly, but I've been kind of an emotional basketcase in the last month and a half (see, here, here, here and here - man, I've been really whiney this year). This trip was a kind of bright spot on the horizon. We haven't told the kids about it, so there won't be any disappointment on their part, but there would be on mine. BIG FAT SIGH! The thing that annoys me the most? I just finished an antibiotic. Yesterday. You'd think that would have killed off any crazy viruses or bacteria or whatever decided to enter my body.
I feel like I'm falling apart at the ripe old age of 31. Emotionally - I feel like I've hit a brick wall. There is no moving forward at this point. Physicall - I'm obviously ill and rather annoyed about it. Mentally - well, I didn't have much mental capability to begin with, but what I did have feels like it's being sucked out of me by some vampire who won't be satisfied till my brain resembles silly putty.
Okay - I'm done now... I'm going to put a movie on for the kids and crawl back into bed. Hope your day is TONS better than mine!


  1. I'm just going to pray my heart out that this nasty bug runs its course quickly so Disney plans aren't messed with! Have a few movie days so you can recover, okay? No guilt, you're doing it for the kids, really. ~hugs~ I know how you're feeling, babe.

  2. Hope you feel better soon!! Take care of yourself!

  3. Yes, put on as many movies as it takes for you to get some rest! That is what I did all day yesterday! I got slammed with the flu, and there was NOTHING else that I could do. I so hope that you get to go to Disneyland!

    Now stop reading these comments and go back to bed!

  4. Hugs for you! It SUCKS to be sick, and just in time for a fun trip to Disneyland - it just isn't fair. :(

    I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something to help.

    Get some good rest! If you can. I'm hoping and praying that you won't have to cancel.

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM

    How frustrating!!! Do as the other ladies have said, STAY IN BED! Of course, checking in on the kids every now and then. I hope you get feeling better soon.

  6. I don't know why I've taken so much comfort recently in President Hinckley's phrase "Things will work out". I seem to be repeating to myself often.
    (This thought was probably more in reference to your last couple of months, rather than your Disneyand trip. - - Though I imagine that will work out too - one way or the other.)

    Since we can't bring in dinner tonight, we will have to trust you to take care of yourself and really stay in bed. (((hugs)).

  7. My remedy? Put the movie on repeat, crawl into the bath and soak, and then back into bed. Don't do anything else.

    Oh, and think positive thoughts. You'll be at Disneyland in no time.

  8. Prayers that you will be alright. Stay in bed! That's an order.

  9. ((((((Hugs))))))) I like prp's remedy. Go back to bed and stay there, but, of course, like sariqd said, check on the kids every so often ; )

  10. You've got a whole week to recuperate. You can do it!

    Meanwhile, I'll be attempting to do a flu bug exorcism long-distance.

  11. OH NO!!! I am hoping everyone will be feeling fine in time for Disneyland! (((HUGS)))

  12. i'm sorry that not only are you not feeling well physically, but in the other areas, too. i pray that this phase of your life pass quickly and you will feel more hopeful.

    and i really hope you'll be able to go to disneyland. it would be fun and good pick-me-up. you know, it's the happiest place on earth :] get well!


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