Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Who Needs Flowers?
The man in this picture....
is the most wonderful man on the planet. I was so sick today... I'm thinking it's a flu bug... my joints hurt and I can barely move (I'm at the computer right now because I'm doped up on drugs thankyouverymuch). He called me this morning while he was at work to check on me. I told him I was "Oday" because my head is really stuffy. He came home.
He came home and got Little Bug off to school. Did the dishes. Grabbed the grocery list and went to town. And waited on me hand and foot. He made sure I stayed in bed all day(he's at a Young Men's activity right now, so I'm being sneaky). He brought me the mini DVD player so that I could watch "Persuasion" (thank you Ally!). He made sure I was medicated and had plenty of fluids. He had to go back to work this afternoon, but he stayed a few extra minutes so that I could soak in the tub just a little bit longer.
He's so good to me. And I totally deserve it!
Okay, maybe I don't deserve it... but I'll take it anyway...


  1. My husband brought me a taco salad last night because I worked most of the day and I have a sore throat and a runny nose.

    Taco Salad=A Good Husband Who Loves Me!

    I hope you feel better soon, Melissa. How weird that we're both sick at the same time too. The Melissa Connection is strong and powerful and mysterious....

  2. You sooooo deserve it! What a good hubby.

    I hope you feel better very soon.

  3. So glad that your husband is taking care of you. My DH has been so great the last few months with me sick, Rachel sick and other stuff. What would we do without them?!

  4. Your hubby deserves a was so wonderful what he did for you, and you are so deserving! Get better SOON! :)

    I ♥ Persuasion...big time!

  5. YaY for your husband!! I officially award him 1000 husband points.

    Hope you feel better today!

  6. now he's a keeper. get well fast, Mickey's waiting

  7. What a great guy!!! Yes, you do deserve it!

    I sure hope you feel better soon.

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Oh man! He needs a big serving of homemade chocolate cake as reward. That's what my hubby would love anyway.

  9. Isn't it nice to be taken care of? Enjoy it, sort of.???

  10. Excellent! What a sweetheart.

    I don't think I could PAY my hubby to take a day off from work. Well, except when his family has their annual 4-day family reunion. FOUR DAYS, PEOPLE!!!

    And you're soooo welcome for Persuasion! ;) Get well soon.

  11. What a keeper! And I hope it was the GOOD Persuasion that you watched and not that pales-in-comparison-stuff that PBS played a few weeks ago...

  12. I'm trying not to be jealous...really I am...but...

  13. Wow. I am seriously impressed. And I'm glad you have someone that takes care of you when you need it!

  14. hold on to that man!
    hope you're feeling a little better.

  15. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  16. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  17. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  18. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  19. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  20. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  21. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  22. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  23. You are so lucky! He is awesome!

  24. Ummm, can we trade??


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