Tuesday, February 05, 2008

X-Ray Vision
I now know what I would want my super power to be. At first I thought I'd love to fly, then I thought I'd like to be able to be in two places at once, then I wanted to be able to read minds. But, I soon realized that those super powers would probably just cause me more headaches and stress. If I could fly, people would always be asking me to zip them around the globe or deliver messages or packages or some sort of nonsense. If I could be in two places at once that means I'd have to do twice as much work. If I could read minds I would know what Little Bug is thinking, but really, I think that just might be a double edged sword.
So, now, I'd like to have x-ray vision - and I only want to be able to use my power when there is great need. For example: if you've got a child who decides to freak out when asked to hold still for an x-ray - that would be considered "great need".
We tried to get x-rays today on the injured foot. Little Bug kicked so hard that he moved the table across the room. I burst into tears and the poor x-ray tech didn't know what to do with either of us. I REALLY don't think it's broken, but I called the doctor to see what she wanted us to do. She wants us to go to urgent care at one of the hospitals, have him sedated, and then take the x-ray. This is the ABSOLUTE last thing I want to do. We've decided to give him a few days and see. I know. I'm terrible. But you have to understand how much Little Bug hates doctors. He cries when we drive past hospitals. If you take him into a room that even remotely looks like a doctors office he will go crazy. Meltdown doesn't even begin to cover what happens to that boy when doctors are involved. And having a doctor or nurse stick needles into him really won't help his fears. I can guarantee it.
I really really REALLY believe that it is a sprain. I don't think it's broken. The doctor doesn't think it's broken. She just wants to make sure... and I do too, but I'm not sure that the sacrifice is worth it. It's not swollen, discolored, or tender to touch. He walks and runs on it - just with a little bit of a limp.
So, hand over that "Bad Mom of the Year" award. I'm going to make him wait a few more days and then we'll see what happens... please don't lecture me on "sometimes we have to make our kids do things that they don't want to". I've beaten myself up on this one just fine on my own.


  1. I can say--I know what you're going through. Brent used to freak out big time every time we went to the doctors--it was the white coats (they used to wear). I'm not a nurse (and I've never played one on TV nor have i stayed at a Holiday Inn) but if he's walking on it, I don't think I'd worry.

    I think you deserve the MOM OF THE YEAR AWARD!!!

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. As long as you're keeping an eye on it, you're fine. Okay?

  3. I don't think waiting is a problem at all. You do what's right for you - the heck with what other people think.

  4. Honey! You're such a fabulous mum for wanting to spare him the anguish and trauma! No more beating yourself up, that's an order!

  5. Oh Melissa.... you are doing a great job!

  6. Man, I wish we lived closer. My husband could take care of it for you without going to a big, bad hospital! I do have to say that if he's walking and running on it, it's probably not broken. Makes me just want to go find that irresponsible mom and take her to task!

  7. No lecturing here. You know your child best and that is what matters. I think it's just fine to wait it out a few more days. I'm sorry it was such a bad experience. Heather is right though, you ARE doing a great job.

  8. Sometimes we have to weigh our options...doctor vs. Little Bug happy. I think I'd pick the same as you, especially if he's walking on it!

  9. Are you kidding me? You are a great mom and you should give your mothers instinct more credit. We are given these gifts to use for good :o)

    I have no doubt that if you thought it was necessary then you would put him through the trauma. Hang in there Mama. I hope the foot gets better soon.

  10. I like the changes you have made around here since I've visited last. Woot!

  11. You're doing the right thing. Sometimes it's just not worth it! Hannah's been x-rayed so many times with nothing broken she will probably start glowing someday!

  12. Anonymous2:42 AM

    If it were broken, I think you would know it. You're doing the right thing.

  13. I am just really sad that his foot is hurt in the first place. :(


  14. I am really annoyed that his foot is hurt in the first place. I think you're doing fine. And you make the right choice for your kid 'cause you know the costs better than anyone.

    But I'm still annoyed with that other dumb mom!

  15. you know your kid and are a good judge of what is best for him. people can give advice based on their experience but, imo, that's as far as it should go. keep us updated.


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