Monday, April 21, 2008

Chronicles of Mania
Just a quick rundown of this last week...
Friday, April 11th: I ran to Wal-Mart for some last minute items before my family came. While I was there, insanity struck (this usually happens when I visit Wal-Mart). I had been wanting to refinish my kitchen table and chairs and thought "I could do that real quick before family comes tomorrow...." WHAT WAS I THINKING? I bought all the stuff and came home. I cleaned out the nasty groove...

Filled it with a wood filler....Started sanding...Man - it was a beautiful day... blue skies, light breeze... just amazing...I got three chairs done and then we called it a night.
Saturday, April 12th: Hubby helped me get the rest sanded. Then we started painting. I don't have any photos of the rest of the process... we got everything painted and it took FOREVER. I thought it would be a quick slap of paint, but I was wrong. We finished not too long before my family came that night! We had corn chowder and home made bread for dinner... yummm....
Sunday, April 13: Went to church where I taught the lesson in Relief Society (the women's organization at our church). It was a hard lesson to teach... it was on baptism. But I got through it okay. Then we came home and made Puerto Rican chicken and rice (recipe is forth coming, I promise) and had chocolate trifle for dessert. SO GOOD! We played Scattegories and just hung out.
Monday, April 14: BEACH DAY! See previous post for pictures. I loved that my SIL joined me out in the briny blue. We were a tad on the cold side at first, but then the water completely numbed us and we were fine :) We ate at our favorite spot in Oceanside - Mary's Resturant. So good!
Tuesday, April 15: My brother surprised my SIL with a trip to Disneyland! They had a lot of fun! Mom and I took Baby Girl and went to Kohl's to return a few things... and buy a few things ;) Then we went to Red Robin for lunch. Dad stayed home and waited for Red to get home from school (early release day) and they played Play Station and had a ball! I can't remember what I made that night... maybe we had leftovers... hmm...
Wednesday, April 16: Mom, SIL and I went to the PREMIUM outlet malls. We went into the Armani and Gucci stores and tried so hard not to laugh at the prices. One t-shirt had been marked down from $300 to $150. A T-SHIRT!! We also looked at a pair of sandals for $200... insane... We were going to go into Dolce & Gabbana, but there was a guy in a black suit at the door and it was kind of intimidating. Needless to say, we didn't purchase much that day. Although, I did get my ears repierced. Almost 9 years ago I quit wearing earrings. Red was fascinated with them and just about ripped my earlobe off several times. But, my kids are old enough now that I don't worry so much. The gal gave me the wrong earrings though... I wanted the tiny silver balls... she gave me the cheap little diamond looking ones. You know, the ones that the 8 year old girls pick? Yeah. Oh well... 5 more weeks and I can wear whatever I want! We had a yummy chicken and black bean concoction for dinner. I would share the recipe, but it's one of those "Throw things in till it tastes good" things... and it did taste good! Carmel apple pie for dessert...
Thursday, April 17: We sanded the edges of the table and chairs. It was hot and a lot of hard work. My family is so awesome! Then we went shopping at the local mall, JoAnn's and Costco. That night my parents offered to babysit so that we (my brother, sister-in-law, Hubby and I) could go out to eat... and of course, I chose PF Changs! That place is so good! I had the honey seared chicken and it was delish (thanks for the suggestion Lauren!). We shared meals and everything was so yummy! I'm making myself hungry just thinking about it! Then we hit Wal-Mart and they bought us Ben and Jerry's ice cream. It was a fun evening. When we got home, Mom had done 3 loads of laundry! THANKS AGAIN MOM!!
Friday, April 18: My family decided to stay another day! They were supposed to head home this day, but changed their minds. I was so glad! Everyone came out and helped get the first coat of poly on my table and chairs. They were so helpful on this trip! Another trip to Wal-Mart for traveling goodies and another can of poly for the table. We ordered pizza and had fried candy bars that night. They were sooo rich! But a fun treat. The boys played Nintendo on the projector and we all just kind of hung out.
Saturday, April 19: Sigh. Never fun to say goodbye. They headed home and I bribed my kids with toys to get them to stop crying. It worked. We got the second coat of poly on the chairs and then watched our friends kids for awhile. Then we rested.
Sunday, April 20: Church, home, naps. Then we went to a friends house and played games and ate treats. Early bedtime for me
Which, brings us to today. I was going to finish the poly on the table, but it's windy today. I don't want bugs and such in the finish of the table, so, I'll wait. I'm going to attempt to get around to a few blogs today, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to do an "all read". I won't tell you how many posts are in my Google Reader... I hope your last week was wonderful!


  1. you have been crazy busy! Way to go on the table so sounds like something I would do! Oh this won't take very long! HA!

  2. What on earth are "fried candy bars"... please do share more information!!!

  3. Wow - you must be tired!!

    Can't wait to see the after pics!

  4. Wow... Busy busy!

    You'll have to give us some after shots of the table and chairs when you get a chance!

  5. sounds like a busy, but fun week. i'm glad you had such a good time with your family.

    you'll have to explain in a little more detail exactly what you're doing to your table and chairs. i'm looking forward to the finished project.

  6. Sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you had a good week, having your family there. And good luck on that table. We need to do that to our dining table - it's in such sad, sorry shape.

    Glad you're back. ;)

  7. Sounds like a wonderful week. Now you need a week to rest..LOL. You'll have to post pictures of the table when it's all finished.

  8. so glad that you had such a fun week! I am sure that it is fun when family comes to town. My family is all 5 mins. away. So-they pretty much come ALL THE TIME! I am very spoiled and I love it. Make sure that you post finished pics of the table-we all need it so get motivated to do a huge job of our own!!
    Keep on with the DEISH recipes!

  9. so glad that you had such a fun week! I am sure that it is fun when family comes to town. My family is all 5 mins. away. So-they pretty much come ALL THE TIME! I am very spoiled and I love it. Make sure that you post finished pics of the table-we all need it so get motivated to do a huge job of our own!!
    Keep on with the DEISH recipes!

  10. Sounds like you have an amazing family. Glad you had such a great time together.

    When I read the first paragraph I couldn't believe it--REFINISH YOUR KITCHEN TABLE AND CHAIRS--are you kidding??? You are something else.

    It's always hard when everyone says goodbye. I try so hard not to cry in front of my kids/grandkids--I know they feel bad, so I just smile and kiss and hug them and cry when I'm in the car driving away .

  11. I hopped over her from Tonya's blog and kept reading and figured I should at least leave a comment....What were you thinking, staining a table in a day? :) That is something I would so do...oh it will just take a little while no big deal...and why do we do it to ourselves before guest arrive?

    Sounds like a lot of fun.

  12. your post title made me laugh. :)

    all that cleaning-out and refinishing and stuff is making me tired just reading about it. slow down, girl! heehee.

  13. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Talk about ambitious! That's great that you got the table finished on time!

  14. I had ears my ears repierced a couple of years ago..... My mother dragged me in to the jewelery store to have it done.....

    I was such a chicken!!!!!! I was almost in tears, people stopped to laugh at me (not a prize moment, I was much braver as a child). I am glad I did it though. It is so nice to wear earrings again!

  15. Oh, you have given me a fabulous idea!
    Wood filler in that awful groove!

  16. So glad you had a great time! It was fun to read about. You told me about those detested grooves in the table when I was there. Looking forward to photos of the finished product!

  17. I want to know what fried candy bars are too! Wait--don't tell me, I might want to make some!

  18. The whole refinishing the furniture right before family came is something I would do.

  19. Thanks for coming to visit my blog amongst the post vacation madness.

    I missed you!

  20. What a great update! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and catching up on all the fun things you've been doing! :)





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