Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!
Sorry I've been MIA. I have not blogged and haven't really been able to read any blogs either. Want to see what I've been doing besides eating yummy food? (I promise to post recipes when I get back)That's my sister-in-law and I boogie boarding!Hubby, Red, SIL, and myself attempting to catch a few waves...While I was out, a gerber daisy floated past me! Not sure where it came from... thoughts? My only thought was rather morbid... maybe I'll share it later...Someday I'll be a real surfer girl... but for now, I just like to pretend! Tomorrow we are hitting the outlet malls. Should be a lot of fun! I'll probably be back in bloggy action by Saturday or Sunday! Have a great week!


  1. Oh yes, that looks like much more fun than blogging. You look like a surfer girl for sure so you are half way there..LOL I'm glad you are having so much fun.

  2. Heck, no brainer there. Blogging vs. riding the waves--an easy choice!!!

    Looks like you are having a blast--cute pictures.

    Have fun.

  3. Totally Awesome, Dude!

    I'm glad you're having fun times!

  4. Looks like fun, keep enjoying the family!

  5. You're so cute! And it looks like so much fun!

    It's been snowing here.


  6. I love that it's getting warm enough for that. I've never done anything like that. I didn't grow up around water and wear a bathing suit in public...you've got to be kidding me!

    Looks like a fun time!

  7. looks like great fun. actually, i'm very jealous. i love - and miss - the beach. were you at huntington?

    enjoy the rest of your family's visit. and i'm looking forward to those recipes =)

  8. You keep having a GREAT time!

  9. I tagged you for a MeMe and I know you are busy so no biggie :o)

  10. Glad you're having fun. :)

    I'm so jealous that you're on the beach and in the water - it has snowed here 3 days out of the last 5. AAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!

    If I see any more snow, I just might pull all my hair out!!

  11. I'm glad you're having so much fun with your family. Although I must admit I've been just a little bit lonely this week....poor me. ;)

  12. Surfer Dudetttttte! I can't wait for all the sordid details!

  13. And she'll have fun, fun, fun, fun til her hubby takes the boogie board awaaayyyyy.


  14. IT looks like you are having a ton of fun! LUCKY!!!!!!!

  15. Anonymous3:26 PM

    What a great reason not to blog! Enjoy the outdoors . . . and shopping!

  16. dude! you, like, look totally killer with that board...


  17. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Dieta, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://dieta-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

  18. WOW! Looks like so much fun, yay! :D


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