Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pass or Fail??

Some of you may recall that I HATE sewing clothing!  I've documented that fact here, here, and here.  I think there might be other posts declaring how annoying patterns are and how they NEVER EVER end up being the right size, but those were the first posts I found.

Anyway!  I found this blog - "MADE" that had a tutorial for a circle skirt... you do a little math and make your own pattern.  I'm not great at math, but thought I'd give it a whirl....
And what do you know?  It turned out pretty awesome!  I also made one for myself and several others for Baby Girl.
Then I noticed that on the same blog there was a tutorial for pajama pants... again, making your own pattern using a pair of pj's or shorts that you already have...
Another success!  They aren't hemmed, but I kind of like them that way!

Skip forward to today... I had bought some fabric a few weeks ago with the intention of making it into a skirt.  But it was so soft and I kept having visions of a shirt in this fabric.  I looked around for a tutorial, but couldn't really find anything I loved.  So... I made a pattern up all by myself.  And guess what?!?

It's not horrible!!  I think the neck needs to be a little lower.  And I made the shoulder seams too wide so the sleeves kind of hang off a little bit.  And I kind of goofed on the gathering at the top of the shirt... maybe if I added some detail around the neck?

So tell me what you think... is this a pass?  or an epic fail??

p.s. This is technically an EPIC FAIL because I forgot to prewash the fabric... meaning that it is now a "hand wash in cold; lay flat to dry" article of clothing... booooooooo!!!!


  1. WAY TO GO.

    I'm going to have to go and check it out.

  2. I've been sewing since I was 12 (so...like 70 years!) and I STILL need a pattern for clothing! I'm WAY impressed that you made these by creating your own patterns!


  3. P.S. Your big back yard is bomb!

    K bye!

  4. Super cute!!! If you wanted something else you could add a couple rosettes around the neck line or something but I think you did a great job!

  5. I think you did a fantastic job. And I wouldn't have noticed any of the issues you pointed out.

  6. Totally impressed! Love it! I think it is awesome just as it is, but adding a little something-something to the neck line would be cute too. (I like the fabric rosettes idea!) Very cool!

  7. I agree with flip flop mamma - add some rosettes if you think it needs something, but I think it looks great! Sorry about the pre-wash stuff, though.

    Great work! I love the little skirt, and those pj's are super cute. I learned to sew when I was 8 years old, but never learnerd enough to make me want to keep doing it. Kudos for keeping with it and making it work! ;-)

  8. I think it looks great! I think I need to learn how to sew, I have been wanting to for forever, but I am scared I will be bad at it haha

  9. winner! i love it.


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