Monday, August 29, 2011

Make it Work

I've been searching for a striped knit fabric for a few months now.  I found a few things online, but nothing that I really loved... so I decided to create some!  I thought I'd share how I did it... just in case there's someone else out there searching for a striped knit fabric (or maybe I'm the only one??)

You'll need:
solid colored knit fabric
contact paper (I've found this at Wal-Mart in their kitchen section...)
spray bottle
ruler or quilting square
a bucket for rinsing
(I know not everything is in this photo... sorry!  I'm new at this whole tutorial thing...)
Lay your fabric out flat and decide how far apart you want your stripes.  Anything not covered in contact paper is going to be the lighter color.  Cut strips of contact paper that will go the full length of the fabric.  Pull the back off the contact paper and using your ruler or quilters square, space the stripes evenly across the fabric.  Make sure that you press the contact paper down firmly so that the bleach won't seep under.  I needed a smaller section with skinnier stripes, so that's why my stripes don't go all the way across at the top.
 Next, take the fabric outside lay it flat again and spray it with the bleach.  Don't put on too much or it will spread under your contact paper.
Let it sit for a few minutes till you get the desired color change... but don't let it sit too long or the bleach will eat a hole through your fabric!
Rinse out in your bucket and pull the contact paper strips off.  Wash and dry your fabric again and.....
Stripes!  The bleached part takes on a kind of heathered look and I love it!  I'll show you what I did with the fabric next time :)

I've linked up here....
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!

and here....


  1. Wow, that is very cool! I never would have thought of doing that.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    wow!!! look at those SRTAIGHT ines!!! Very fun and clever of you!! :o)

  3. Way to go. That is incredible. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  4. WOW! What a great idea and it turned out so much better than I assumed it could!

    Thanks for the comment on iCandy!

  5. You are so smart! Cool idea!

  6. Thank you thank you thank you! I've been searching for a knit stripe without luck. I'll have to give this a try.

  7. Wow, that is really cool. You are so talented.


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