Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oh, hey... Hi

So, um, as you can see, I haven't written in awhile.  So, let's do a quick catch up post and move on, shall we?  Excellent!  Here we go...

July - Spent some time in Idaho with family and then came home to pack like maniacs!  We moved to Arizona on one of the hottest days of the year.  Oh yeah... some like it hot... or, um, something like that.  So anyway, we had such great help from friends getting out of our old house and a ton of people showed up to help us get into the new place.  We're settling in slowly (a.k.a. I'm still not done unpacking).  But the kids are adjusting fairly well.  We've had a few small bumps in the road, and I'm sure there will be more, but for now, we're good.

August - the kids went back to school and I was so scatter brained that I didn't get pictures.  Lame, lame, lame!!!  Hubby's birthday was in August, but, again, trying to unpack and finish things up in California and it ended up not being a big celebration... MEGA LAME!!  Sigh... I'll do better next year!

September - wait?  What?  Did we even HAVE a September this year?  Oh yes.  I had a kidney stone in September.  Spent most of the month feeling awful.  Let's forget September this year.  Moving on!

October - Busy.  Really, really busy.  First off we had Hubby's parents come visit.  It was so great to have them here.  We didn't do much... just relaxed and enjoyed their company!  I think everyone had a good time.
We had two birthday's in October. Baby Girl had a fairy birthday party that was a blast!
I decked the house out in lights and yards and yards of tulle.  Made skirts and got wings for all the girls instead of goodie bags.  It was a lot of fun.
Then we had an "October Birthday Beach Bash" with friends from California.  Between the two families we have 4 October b-days.  It was so fun to see our friends for the day!

Little Bug's birthday was more low key.  He doesn't like lots of people around. So we kept his day simple.
I gave him a book called "Wild About Books" and all present opening stopped.  He had to read it a couple of times before we could resume the rest of our evening.  He still packs it around the house reading his favorite parts over and over...
Alan surprised me with a vacation away from kids!  He plotted and planned with my parents... they came down and watched kids and we took off for a few days.  It was really, really nice!  The first evening was spent in Carlsbad, CA right on the beach.
The next two days were spent at Disneyland!  I love, love, love that place!  And I know it's a great place to take your kids, but can I tell you how awesome it was to go without kids?  No begging for over priced toys or treats.  No whining or crying because exhaustion had settled in.  No skipping rides or shops because the kids don't want to go or because we don't want to take them.  We were able to do anything and everything we wanted.  There were things that I know the kids would have loved, but they can go next time... maybe...

(BTW - World of Color is absolutely AMAZING!!)
Last day of the trip was in San Diego.  We went to the temple and then headed for home.  It was a fantastic trip!  (thanks again for watching kids Mom and Dad!!!) 
Halloween was awesome!  I had asked Baby Girl what she wanted to be for Halloween back in September and she said "Alice from Alice in Wonderland".  And I said, "Oh, that will be fun!  We'll get you a blue dress and some black shoes and..." she interrupted and said, "No mom.  Not that Alice.  The Alice from the new movie.  In armor with a Vorpal sword to kill the Jabberwocky."  Ah... yeah.  Her costume turned out pretty good though... here's what it looks like in the movie and what we ended up with (yeah, that's the best pic I got of her alone...)
Not too bad, if I do say so myself.  I got up Saturday morning and decided to be the White Queen... so I made a costume that day.

 Then we had "Return of the Jedi" (he was a Jedi last year too)
 Our rather reluctant farmer...
 And the crazy weird guy...

November - not much so far.  And I'm glad!  We'll have a few things later in the month, but for now, it's been peaceful... well, as peaceful as we ever get.

I don't know if anyone will even see this post or care.  But I'm going to try and get back to the blog once a week.  Yeah.  Try.  I'm not making any promises... but, it feels good to write again.  We'll see how this goes!


  1. I ALWAYS CARE ; )

    So glad to read a post.

    I can't tell you how happy I was that you and your hubby got a trip away ALONE.

    Love all the costumes.

    Hope you are enjoying Arizona.

  2. I didn't realize you guys were moving!

    And I love Disneyland. I don't know why there are so many kids there!

    Your costumes look great. Super creative!

  3. Sounds like you have been busy. I hope the new place is going well. Jared called me on Tuesday and asked me how I felt about moving to Houston. They gave him a job offer and he said yes. Between the both of us - we move a lot!

  4. Hey, THERE you are!
    Love the costumes.
    Moving is such a huge deal, no wonder you haven't blogged for a while.
    Me and DH are actually considering a Disney vacation without the kids. The kids don't think it's a good idea, I feel differently :0)

  5. So that is a ton all crammed in one post!! But my fave is that your hubby planned a get away!!

  6. I missed you & your posts! Congrats on the move - seems like everybody is moving there. :)

  7. I wondered if you were ever going to blog again :). Welcome back!

  8. glad you're back. We missed you! Looks likes you've been way busy. Here's hoping November slows down a little.

  9. Um, welcome back! You looked gorgeous on Halloween! It's fun to catch up. Miss you!

  10. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The ones who really had fun was the ones who stayed home, by the way!!! :o) So plan another trip and we'll be there!!!

  11. SO nice to see you!!
    How do you like Yuma???
    I wonder if you're in my mom's ward? Ummm If I could remember her ward, I would name it here, but I can't.

    I hope you love it!

  12. Okay, I'm way late for this party, but YAY! So glad you're blogging again! I enjoyed every bit of this post, and I loved seeing all the pictures and getting caught up with you!

    So cool that you're in Arizona now, but moving here in July? EEEK!

    The fairy party is just amazing, and I love the Halloween costumes you made!

    I've been to Disneyland alone with Hubby Man, and it's AWESOME! And I agree, World of Color is just incredible!


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