Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Figment

I used to believe in mythical creatures... such as elves, dragons, unicorns, fairies, and children who made me look like a competent parent.

Red attended a meeting with his dad today for all the 11 year old boys at our church.  Our Bishop asked each boy to share something that they had learned from their mothers.  Now, I've had almost 12 years with this kid.  I've tried to teach him to be obedient, respectful, kind and happy.  I've taught him to pray, read his scriptures and to try to be the best he can.  Apparently I need a refresher course on how to teach these things because what he actually learned is to be to be silly, sarcastic and to go for the laugh instead of giving a real answer.

His response when asked what he had learned from his mother :  "She taught me not to kill people".  Which, in the grand scheme of things, is good.  Really good.  I'd rather my children weren't running around being serial killers.

But, now that we've got the "no murdering" thing down... I think it's time to move on to other things that will eventually turn him into a well-rounded individual.  Perhaps we'll start with "there's a time and a place for everything..."


  1. Hey, that's something Jeffery Dahmer's mom can't say, so well done!

  2. You know, I'd say you've aced the mother-bit if you've taught your kids not to kill!!! hahhah!

  3. I wonder what my kids would say if I asked them that? LOL!

    Still, no killing is a good rule to live by.

  4. That is so cute ; )

    You are such an amazing mom. You are doing a wonderful job.

  5. Oh. Thanks for the reminder. I guess I have forgotten to teach my kids not to kill people. I better do that before it is too late. Maybe for FHE tonight.
    Thank you so much for your example of exemplary parenting!

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    He'll get the "time and a place for everything" part down eventually too..... he really does have a great sense of humor - which he did learn from you guys, so thats a good thing, right? love and hugs

  7. Melissa~
    As Primary President and someone who deals with boys that age, I'd have to say...he's totally normal! In fact, I could have pinpointed his age by the response to the question alone. Totally eleven. For sure. No doubt about it. You'll laugh at this someday soon.

  8. Ha-ha! Hilarious. I'm pretty sure everyone single one of my brothers would have answered the same way. If fact, I bet they did!

    Brayden did a similar thing. We were having FHE at my mom's and she asked Brayden if his mommy was a good teacher. He said, "yep. Today she taught me not to fart in Tawny's face". I felt like such a successful parent!

  9. When I showed this to my Alan he laughed and said, "Seriously, if one of my kids had that response, I'd break that rule myself!"

    I am laughing with you! I want to know what the Bishop's response was!

  10. love Red. miss you guys

  11. my 4 year old has learned the opossite...she said to her brother, I'm going to kill you! great. hopefully by the the time she's as old as red she will be as wise!

    p.s. welcome back. i'm glad you are alive and well. ;)

  12. Ha, ha, ha. Not killing people is good, I am glad you can look at the positive.

  13. Anonymous10:33 AM

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    Thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.


  14. and it sometimes seems like our kids learn nothing from us


  15. I bet he DID get the laugh! ;)


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