Monday, April 19, 2010

Huffin and Puffin

Many of you may remember my friend Marissa's unfortunate hiking experience last year.  Well, I had the opportunity to go on that same hike with some friends awhile ago.  Needless to say, I went to the bathroom before we left.  Never let it be said that I don't learn from my other's mistakes.
But, before I tell you about this latest adventure, I need to explain a few things.  First of all, you need to understand my definition of "hike".  So, if everyone would please open their copy of "The World According to Melissa" to page 245.  Let's see... ah... yes!  Here it is...
hike - verb - mindless wandering while eating snacks
I like to stop and look at flowers.  Check out crazy bugs.  And, of course, eat while I go.  Another thing you need to know about this hike - all of the gals I went with are runners and are in fantastic shape.  (Technically, I'm in shape too.  Round is a shape.)
Anyway, I had gotten up early, dressed comfortably and then loaded my backpack full of snacks.  My good friend Shannan was our lovely driver and away we went.  Chatting, laughing, and me, totally expecting to "hike" in my own special way.
So, you can imagine my surprise when we get to the trail head and I hear the one of the gals say, "Let's see how good of a workout we can get here!"  



They weren't there to "hike", they were there to race up the canyon!  Everyone took off at a pace that Olympic sprinters would envy.  And I brought up the rear... huffing and puffing.  After awhile I asked for a break so I could eat a snack.  I was feeling a bit dizzy... which may have been from lack of food (most of my family has some sort of blood sugar problem) or lack of oxygen.  Either way - I needed to rest for a minute.  The other gals weren't even winded.  Not in the slightest.
I was a little embarrassed at making everyone stop for a little while, but it was either have them stop and wait, or I could pass out and then they'd have to carry me back to the car.  Which, of course, wouldn't have been embarrassing AT ALL.
But, after awhile, I got my second wind and started to feel less self conscious about myself and I really enjoyed the last part of the hike.  Too bad I had been a crying whiner for the first half... well, a breathless, dizzy, crying whiner.  
And the best part?  I didn't get a sliver in my butt!  WOOHOO!!  (Don't know what I'm talking about?  Go read Marissa's account and it will all become clear...)
The End
(What?  You were looking for a moral?  Some life lesson learned about persevering or having a good attitude or loving who you are no matter how awesome everyone else around you is?  Well, too bad.  I got nothing... I'm just grateful to be splinterless!) 


  1. I don't hike either. I like to lollygag.

  2. I'm totally with you on your idea of a hike. Way to go!

  3. lol... you crack me up. i like your definition of hiking. that's the one i'd use for myself =)

  4. Hooray for no spliters! Your kind of hiking sounds much more enjoyable.

  5. Sauntering. Meandering. Both meet my definitions for hiking!

  6. Sounds like fun....well most of it. I would have loved to gone with you. I too would have packed my snacks, but I would have had Doran carry them for me.

    Let me know next time you go, I will drive on down.

  7. I guess you don't remember when you passed out and I had to carry you up the hill with all my super manly strength. Other than that, you did great on the hike. :)

  8. So glad you learned from "Marrisa's" mistakes. Too bad I wasn't there too. I would have been right there in the back with you!

  9. i just like to really enjoy the scenery. that's all! :)

  10. You & I can hike together! I will stop & look at anything you like! (Except snakes... lol!)

  11. Funny thing is I always think hike=food.
    There's no other reason to go walking into the middle of nowhere...there must be some type of food to lure you out there.

    Oh Marissa. Bet she learned her lesson/

  12. My fourth year of girls' camp, we were required to go on a super hard, steep hike. Too bad the hike leader was a woman in her late 40's who seemed to be training for the stinkin' Olympics! I seriously thought I'd die before the day ended!

    Ironically, I am now the leader for that exact same hike...who knew? But I take it slow and steady, with plenty of breaks! And I love snacks, too! :)

  13. You don't give yourself enough credit my dear. That was a pretty decent hike and you really did great with about a 1 minute break. So glad you came.

  14. You can hike with me any day! Maybe we'll even stop for a picnic along the way. LOL!

  15. haven't heard from you in a while! how are you? how are the moving plans?? :)

  16. Well, You & I can hike together! I will stop & look at anything you like!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I read your post and I enjoyed it, I like your idea on hiking, sound very interesting to do :)

  19. I like hiking specially in the beach which we can smell fresh air. I love going to beach early in the morning.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. You changed your picture! So glad to see YOU!

  22. I lost your address to mail you your winnings from my shop can you resend me that to my email memakingdo (at) gmail dot com so I can get those out right away. I am going to throw in a little extra for you to for that!

  23. Hello, my friend! I just want you to know how much I appreciate your comments on my silly blog, and that I miss your posts!

    I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful Christmas!

  24. I am now the leader for that exact same hike...who knew? But I take it slow and steady, with plenty of breaks! And I love snacks, too! :)


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