Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

It's been a bit wet here in the currently not-so-sunny Southern California.

One moment you think it's letting up...

And then it really starts to come down...

Which, of course, means that I'm taking lots of pictures...

I want to remember that once upon a time we saw rain here in the desert.  It has even been kind of cold... for Southern California.  (38 is cold for here!)  I wish I could absorb this coolness and take it with me into the 120 degree weather of July and August...
Unfortunately the rain starts to gather in areas that don't have great drainage...

People aren't taking their time as they try to get from one place to the next and there have been accidents because of the rain.  Many of the roads are closed due to flooding.  I watched some ducks swim in what used to be a grassy spot (much like the one in the photo above).  We've been leaving early for everything and getting home late.  School buses are off schedule.  We were supposed to go to Disneyland this week... but it was a little too soggy for our tastes.  Everything just feels a little off kilter with this downpour.

But even with all the craziness... I'm still loving the rain!

So, what's the weather like in your neck of the woods?  Are you seeing rain?  Snow?  Blue skies?


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM


    מלון [url=]כפר בעיר[/url] - אינטימיות, [url=]שקט[/url] . אנו מספקים שירותי אירוח מיוחדים גם יש במקום שירות חדרים המכיל [url=]אחרוחות רומנטיות[/url] במחירים מפתיעים אשר מוגשות ישירות לחדרכם!

    לפרטים נא לפנות לאתר האינטרנט שלנו - [url=]כפר בעיר[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

  2. GREAT pictures. Loving the rain but my poor mom is stuck here. They cancelled her flight and it has been delayed already this morning. She's probably ready to get the "heck out of dodge" So much for sunny southern cal but I'll take it. Homemade bread and movies are calling my name.

  3. Sorry about the Disneyland outing. I'm glad you are enjoying the rain. Great pictures, btw.

    Our weather is fairly mild. It's about 28F now but next week it will be down to below zero. The only drawback is that we are to have freezing drizzle today--my least favorite thing because I hate icy roads.

  4. I am flying out there 2 weeks from tomorrow, for Disneyland. We will be seriously bummed if the weather is like that!

  5. I really like the one with the umbrella!
    It has snowed, rained, been windy here!

  6. Here, it's been snowing & melting at the same time. There's a lake at the end of my driveway, but it's not as big as the ones in your pictures!!
    I love the rain too, but that seems like way too much!!
    Sorry about Disneyland...

  7. Anonymous8:49 PM

    GREAT PICTURES!!! Wonderful use of light and reflection - I am impressed - AGAIN!! :o) I recognize your grassy "lake". :o) All we have is snow and more snow - then a few melted puddles that freeze into ice ponds every other minute. So tired of being COLD!!

  8. It's been really rainy here, too! Which is really funny considering when I opened my internet yesterday, the weather said that showers were in the vicinity. I guess where we live is called "The Vicintiy". Love the umbrella pic!

  9. 4 days in a row craziness...we do have good drainage so no new ponds. (unfortunately)

  10. crazy weather there!

    we're actually heading that way. taking a road trip - just don and i. i'm hoping the rain will have passed by the time we get there. although, we'll have to deal with some of it on our trip.

    i heard disneyland has been closing early each night. one day, they only had 6000 guests in the park. crazy!!

  11. Those pictures are CRAZY. Amidst all this crazy weather, Colorado has been surprisingly mild!

  12. Dark grey skies here today.

    I heard about the crazy rain storms you're having! I actually got off an LA trip I was supposed to do and switched to Phoenix only to find that they're having rain storms, too!

    Great photos!

  13. Man, Blythe was hit hard by that storm. We had multiple tornados touch down and cause some pretty nasty damage. Some areas in town have been without power since Thursday. We had a tree fall over, hit our house, crack a window, smash our pool filter, and knock down one full side of our fence. But everyone is fine, so we're not too worried.

    Great pics, by the way.

  14. Snowy, snowy, snow. And cold. Lots of it.


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