Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And the Winner is...

I didn't know. No, really. I had no idea that my children could be so devious. Apparently they've been planning this for a long time, but I'm just barely catching on. They are having a contest amongst themselves to see who can be sick the most days this year.
So far Little Bug is in the lead with 10 days.
Baby Girl has 4 days - including today.
And Red is seriously lagging behind with just 1 day- that would be today.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to step in and be the "mean mom" and put a stop to this little game they are playing. The fevers, the coughing, the hours in the bathroom... I'm putting my foot down. No more contest!
I'm sure that they will whine and complain, but I'm okay with that (as long as the whining and complaining isn't accompanied by germs). A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do! Right?

Photo: a feverish Baby Girl and a completely exhausted mama.


  1. You've had more than your fair share of illness in your home!! Sorry! Wish I could be there to help... The picture is really sweet though! Hope everyone feels better!!

  2. You guys *have* been sick a lot his year. Hope that means your kids have immunity to all the germs and won't get sick for the rest of the year!

  3. I'm so sorry that you've been dealing with so much sickness.

    Love the picture--it is so sweet.

  4. yah, good luck with that. I say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

  5. I could sort of use some time off right now. Want to rub some of that off on me?

  6. Let me guess... the contest was little bug's idea?
    Because usually at my house, the person who's winning is the one who made it into a contest in the first place.

    Hope you feel better and don't win!

  7. You poor girl! Hope the end is nigh!

  8. Man I sure hope you are getting it all out your system this month so you'll be well the rest of the year.

    Germs be gone.

  9. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Poor little fluffs......

  10. sorry to hear that you guys just can't kick the germs that you keep passing to each other.

    hope everyone feels better soon. maybe in time for spring =)

  11. Great pic!!! I am sure you are done! Crazy!

  12. How's that working for ya? Are they respecting your foot planting? Seriously, you guys have definitely had your fair share of sickness. Hope it's on its way out!


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