Sunday, January 31, 2010


This last week has been stressful.  Too many decisions to make.  Too many decisions made by others that have affected our lives. Blah.  Blah.  Blah.
Some friends invited us to head to the beach Saturday and I wasn't going to go.  Baby Girl had been sick and I wasn't sure if her cough would get worse in the cool, moist air.  I didn't want to drive over there.  My back hurt.  Whine.  Whine.  Whine.  Cry.  Cry.  Cry.
But when Saturday morning came around I decided we should all go.  We loaded the car and headed out into crazy Southern California traffic.  We had never been to Crescent Bay and we got a bit lost at one point... but, it was worth it...

Lots of playing on the beach.  Then, because it was one of the lowest tides of the year, we were able to really explore some of the tide pools.

At the end of the day the kids were finally done climbing on everything.  No one was throwing rocks, playing where they shouldn't, or fighting over toys.  And that's when it happened.  Just for a moment... really, less than a minute, I felt peace.

Unfortunately, screaming children pulled me out of my reverie.  But I was thankful for that brief moment.  There is just something about the beach...
Do you have a place like that?  A place where you can go and just feel peace... even if it's just for a moment?


  1. I'm so glad you went so you could have that moment.

    The pictures are beautiful.

    Yes, I have a couple of places like that, and I too am grateful for those moments.


  2. I love the beach. The kids will play happily in the sand for several hours. And when the kids are happy, the mom is happy! Glad you had a good day.

  3. Yes, that would be Marina Beach which is right down the hill from me and has saved my sanity many a time.

    So glad you made the effort, the moments were certainly worth it, right?

  4. It definitely looks worth it!

  5. What wonderful pictures!
    I think I love the mountains like you love the beach. Isn't it wonderful to have a place you can go?

  6. I'm INSANELY jealous!! It looks like it was so much fun!! I'm glad you got to go! I love the beach too!

  7. By the way, our dear brother Shane wants me to let you know that he thinks Nickelback sucks... Message delivered.

  8. the beach is always such a place for me. since i don't have the beach here in colorado, it has to be the mountains. a few hours in the mountains always soothes my soul.

    i think i've been to crescent bay, but when i was a kid. i love tide pools, too.

  9. great pictures, by the way.

  10. Yay for the beach. I'm so glad you got to go.

  11. my moments are now durning my morning walks...the moments would only be better if i was walking on that beach! WOW! what beautiful pics!!!! love the sea life too. when all is done, it's always worth the effort to go somewhere beautiful huh!?!


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