Monday, January 18, 2010

All Weird
I love having one on one time with each of my kids. It gives me a chance to talk to them... see how they're doing... and play around a little bit. I usually walk away from these moments feeling pretty good. But, every once in awhile I hear things that just don't sit well with me.

For example... Baby Girl and I were conversing the other day and I made a some silly comment. She gave me a rather puzzled look and this was the conversation that followed...

Me: "Baby Girl, you should know by now that your mom is a little weird."
Baby Girl: "Oh no, Mom. You're not a little weird. (At this point I thought she was going to defend her wonderful mother... but then she continued...) You're a whole lot weird. You're all the way weird."

All the way weird? Really... I thought I had a few normal traits... but apparently not. I wonder if she realizes that by having an "all the way weird" mom that the possibility of her being "normal" are slim to none? Poor kid. She never stood a chance.


  1. She is adorable. I'm a lot weird too.

  2. Love it. And she is just so cute.

  3. From the mouths of babes, eh?

    I knew there was a reason I liked you...

  4. hahaha! Love it! And man! She's got beautiful eyes!

  5. So who decides what is normal and weird? I personally think we are all a bit weird, but it is what makes having great friends wonderful!

  6. Weird, maybe. But you are both so darn cute!

    By the way, I finally read the post Alan did about you that you had on FB, and I was laughing so hard about you making him that hat and his matching handbag. You are so awesome!

  7. I don't think you're all the way weird...but you're definitely not just a little weird either. ;) I'd say you are just the right amount of weird. In any case, we all love you just the way you are!

  8. We teach these children to be honest and look want we get for

  9. Ooo for shame! And as I'm sure you already know, 'normal' is just so over-rated.

  10. haha! Love those honest kids...

  11. Anonymous7:54 PM

    makes me wonder what your answer to your Mom would have been at that age - no no I really don't want to know!!! ;o)

  12. Lol! Baby Girl has it right! No one in this family is normal! It's way overrated anyway!!

  13. from one "all the way weird" mom to another =)

    that picture shows that the weirdness has already set in. poor girl. lol


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