Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I need your advice on a baby quilt I'm putting together for my awesome cousin whose wife just had a baby boy!! I can't decide how to arrange the blocks... so you get to help! You'll have to use your imagination just a bit... I love the way the blocks turned out...
This is what it looks likes when all the blocks are together...
Anyone see my mistake? Yeah... I miscounted my blocks! Can you believe that they asked me to teach a sewing class to the women at my church? I think this is a bad ides since apparently I can't even count... anyway, I think it looks to busy this way... what do you think?
I think I'd like to do sashing in between the blocks. I have a couple of options... white with a blue divider block.... (imagine the sashing going across the top and bottom too)
white with a green block....
or green...
What do you think?? I think the green sash looks too busy. I'm leaning towards the white with the blue, but I'm not sure... any suggestions??


  1. Super cute! And yes, I can totally believe they asked you to do a demonstration - no one better for the job! ;-)

    I actually like the white sash with the green. But I also like the white with blue. I don't think the green sash is all that bad, but maybe with a blue square in the middle instead of more green....?

    Anyway. It looks like a great project, and I hope you'll post pictures of the final product. ;-)

    Good luck!

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I like the green sash..... :o)

  3. Anonymous1:47 PM

    that is very cute fabric!!

  4. I like the white and blue or the white and green, but not necessarily the green strip unless you had a solid light green.

    Good luck! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  5. I'm with Jody. I like the white with the blue or the green. Super cute!

  6. Great job. I like the white with the green or the blue. You are incredibly talented. Please post pictures when it is all done.

  7. Me too, I like the white strip (with either the green or blue.) Great job!

  8. I like the green but I think with a white or blue square. It's super cute! Post pictures when you're done!

  9. I like the white the best .
    it's cute either way

  10. I like the white with the blue just seems to fit!

    It looks GREAT! Good job! :)

  11. this is definitely not an area that i have any experience. but from the pics, i like the white sash with the blue.

    it looks very beautiful. are you going to do a class?

  12. I like the white with the green square. In my opinion, it ties the green together a little more. They all look good though! Good luck with your class! It'll be awesome, I'm sure!!!

  13. awesome. i like solid blue no spaces....that is if it's not done yet. :)

  14. p.s. i also like the patterned green sashing a lot.


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