Monday, November 02, 2009

This is Halloween
You're probably tired of reading Halloween posts... but I really want to get this up. You can skip this post if you'd like, okay? Let's start with the food. I got ideas from Family Fun, my friend Rachelle, or my own crazy brain. First off we have...
one eyed one horned flying purple people eaters...
witches fingers....
and the ultimate Halloween breakfast!
As for the costumes... I finally got Red's done...
Little Bug was a cowboy - again... and of course, he still hates having his picture taken, but I did get one good shot!
Baby Girl was a queen (it's actually a dress from Belle's Enchanted Christmas, but it worked)
I was a pirate...
Baby Girl and Red designed our jack-o-lanterns this year...
Fun was had by all, but I ended the night feeling like my head would explode! Sinus infections are such grand things...
Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Melissa, you kids look great, as does that food! Holy cow!

  2. You are great--what an amazing Halloween meal. I should have had some Count Chocula just to get me in the mood ; )

    The costumes are terrific. Love Red's costume. I hope Little Bug had a fun time. Baby Girl looks adorable.
    Love your costume.

    We ended up with 8 - 10 trick or treaters. (I should know whether it was 8 or 10, but I'm not sure if I counted one group twice ; (

  3. So you get way more into Halloween with all the food. I thought the monkey brains looked pretty awesome. And you did a great job with the Jedi costume. And I just have to say that you make a fantastic pirate!

  4. Everyone looks great! I think it's wonderful that you got dressed up, too!

    What are the brains made out of? Watermelon?

  5. You're such a fun mom!
    Someday I want to be you!

    And baby girl looks especially adorable with those ringlets.

  6. I wish i was so cleaver! I love the food stuffs. Great costumes!

  7. Love it. You look super as a pirate. I need to have you do my girls hair. You are amazing.

  8. what great costumes. baby girl looks so cute. do you dress up every year?

    and all the food... well, you're just so clever =)

    hope you feel better real soon.

  9. What fun food!
    And your kids are darling!!
    Tell that cowboy to smile more for the camera, he is a handsome boy.

    What was the red on the fingers?

  10. there can never, ever be too many posts about Halloween

    I made those fingers too, awwww

  11. Wow. You were WAYYY more motivated to do Halloween stuff than I was.

  12. Anonymous7:32 PM

    What you really made was MEMORIES!!! ;o)

  13. Oh, how I love your creepy fun foods, the FANTASTIC costumes, and the cute pumpkins! YAY! :)

  14. hey, thanks for the link up. Love you purple people eaters!

    Congrats on getting a great shot of Little Bug. He must not have been paying attention - his guard was down.

    Great job on the costumes too!

  15. SOOOOOO fun...and cute.

    And there's no such thing as too many Halloween posts. :-)

  16. It looks like lots of fun!! Glad I'm not the only grown up that likes to dress up too! I guess I never grew out of that!!

  17. Melissa,
    You are so creative! The food is so fun. You're a pretty cool mom. Costumes are darling, and you are especially cute! :)
    What fun memories you're making for your lucky children.


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