Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thank Y'all Kindly
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all the opinions that you shared for my little project! After carefully considering what everyone said...
I decided to go with an option that I hadn't even presented to you. I apologize... I liked the white, but when I laid it all out, all I saw was the white stripes. I really wanted the stars to be the focus. So, I laid it all out with the green and it was just too busy. I asked Hubby what he thought and he had a good idea, but I didn't have the fabric that I needed. So, I did what any crazy quilter would do - I went to JoAnn's. And there I found just what I was looking for.
And so, without further ado, here is the quilt top... (please don't look too closely... mistakes abound on this crazy thing)
And this is the fabric I'm using for the back.
I wish you could feel how stinkin soft that stuff is!! Baby Girl tried to pack it off several different times this afternoon and she has informed me that she NEEDS a blanket with this fabric. She also told me that if I wanted, I could find a different fabric for the baby's blanket and she would just take the blue piece. She's a generous soul... I may have to go back to JoAnn's and get her a piece of this stuff - maybe in pink :)
I'll show you more pics when it's all done. Now I have to decide if I'm going to tie it or quilt it. I'm the world's slowest quilter... so I'm thinking of just doing the ties... but I know quilting will look nicer...
Anyway! Thanks again for sharing your opinions... I hope the fact that I changed my mind completely won't deter you from sharing your thoughts with me again!


  1. It looks so great. I love it.

  2. It looks awesome!! You made a good choice!!

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    It does look great! LOVE that super soft fabric!! :o)

  4. oh... how beautiful! the blue stripes with the little boxes of same material as the stars is the perfect way to finish it off.

    you hubby has a good eye.

  5. that looks just right. You must quilt it, I don't like those ties.

    I've seen machine quilted items, could you do that?

  6. I missed the discussion but I love the end result!

  7. It's beautiful! I've always wanted to try and make a quilt but it looks like such hard work! :-)

  8. I think it looks great! ;-) The darker blue really brings out the other colors, and I love the way the green just pops out.

    Good job, girl!

  9. It's lovely! Perfect choices.

  10. The end result is just lovely!


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