Friday, October 09, 2009

Who Would've Thought?
6 years ago tonight I was headed to the hospital to have a baby. We didn't know if it would be a boy or a girl. The last ultrasound had given us a 60% chance for a girl. After two boys I was pretty hopeful for a girl, but, of course, would take whatever came our way. The doctor had decided to induce me a few days early. We got set up at the hospital the night before and then waited.
But there's something you must understand about me: I don't deal well with pain. So, I had some drugs in my IV when the contractions first started. Then came the epidural (manna from heaven, thankyouverymuch!). And then the decision was made that I would need a c-section - which meant that I would need a spinal block. Copious amounts of drugs were swimming through my veins. In fact, I was so drugged out that when my baby was born the doctor said, "It's a girl" and I responded with, "What's a girl?" I think this little moment of unintended humor set a pattern for my Baby Girl. She loves to make others laugh. When she was younger it was pretty random things that she'd throw out there and a lot of courtesy laughing on our part. But, as she's gotten older, her ability to make us laugh, really, truly laugh, has gotten more refined.
For example: The other day I picked Baby Girl up from school and we headed out to run some errands. This is the conversation that followed...
BG - "Mom! Stop! We have to go to the house and get Baby Girl!"
Me - "Wait... what? Aren't YOU Baby Girl?"
BG - "No Mom. I'm just the narrator of this story!"
We both laughed till our sides hurt. She has her moments of pouting, but usually even that dissolves into giggles after awhile.
She's a good mix of princess and tom boy. This picture was taken while she was playing a Star Wars video game with Red and yelling "GET HIM!! SHOOT THAT GUY!" all while wearing her princess dress and tiara...
She's not always daring or willing to take risks, but once she gets warmed up to an idea, you'd better watch out because she'll dive right in! (pun intended)
She's the first to forgive and give hugs. She's always thinking of others and trying to find ways to cheer people up. She's creative and clever. She would paint or play with clay all day long if I'd let her. She loves to dress up and put on a show for anyone who is willing to watch.
But most of all... BEST of all... she's mine!
Happy Birthday my little Twiddle! I love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day today!


  1. Tell her happy birthday from the Wrathall family! Your description of her could have been a description of Jantzen. It makes me sad that they can't play together.

  2. I love how you've told us more about her. She sounds delightful. I loved reading about her.

    Happy Birthday to your beautiful Baby Girl.

  3. Who could help falling in love with her? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your "Twiddle" - (love it!) and hope she has a lovely day!

  4. She is such a doll. Happy Birthday baby girl!!!

  5. Happy Birthday to your cute girl! I hope you were able to have a great day together and all the birthday surprises were a success!

  6. Ah cute post!!
    Happy Birthday Twiddle!

  7. Happy Birthday to a darling princess! Isn't it amazing when you think back to when they first entered your life?

  8. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Happy Birthday!!! See you SOON!!! :o)

  9. Happy birthday to Baby Girl! :)

    This was my very favorite part:

    "she was playing a Star Wars video game with Red and yelling "GET HIM!! SHOOT THAT GUY!" all while wearing her princess dress and tiara..."

  10. Ohhhhhh, such a sweetie pie. What a wonderful tribute and here's to having amazing daughters!

  11. Happy Birthday Baby Girl! She was so cute the day we went to the zoo.

  12. what a cutie she is. and what a nice tribute to her. it's nice to have a child that can make you laught. it's good for the whole family.

    i hope she had a wonderful birthday.

  13. Hope it was a luverly day for her!

  14. I know I'm crazy late, but tell her that we all wish her a Happy Belated Birthday. Brayden was devastated when I told him we missed her birthday.

    When I finally get my head above water I want to come over there are go garage "saleing" (is that even a word?). We need quite a few things for the house on a very small budget.


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