Sunday, October 04, 2009

Just Try...
I dare you to watch this video and not smile... go ahead. Try it.

A post with actual information about me and my life is coming... I've just been a tad on the busy side.
My hubby suggested that I blog about something. He pointed out that my last post was about me wandering around talking to myself... and that I ought to write something so that everyone knew that I hadn't gone totally crazy. So, just in case you were wondering, I haven't lost my mind... not completely. I'm guessing that I've got another year or two before people will really have to worry about me!


  1. This video is SO cute!

  2. That's such a great video. Baby laughs are the best.

  3. I loved that video

    I'm glad to know that you haven't gone crazy.

  4. Oh that is beyond adorable! Totally cracked up my girls too!

  5. I remember seeing that on America's Funniest Home Videos!! It's still funny!! My baby was laughing right along with them!!!

  6. That video was the cutest, happiest thing ever! What a great way to start my morning! :D

  7. a year or two!? you better start blogging long before that. don't you know how much we miss your posts? =)

    i've seen that video a handful of times and i laugh (yes, out loud) every time.

  8. That was the most cutetest thing I have ever seen. I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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