Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'd Forgotten...
Red is off to a science camp for a few days this week. I hope that he's having a fabulous time! I hope that he's learning lots and having fun with his friends. I hope he's staying warm and playing hard. But I hope that he'll be ready to come home tomorrow because I sure miss that boy!
You see, I'd forgotten how much he does for me each day. I've really taken him for granted. You see, he's a pretty darn responsible kid. He gets himself up each morning and makes lunch for himself and Little Bug. He gets his breakfast and sometimes gets cereal for the younger kids if I'm not up yet (my kids are early risers... I am not!). He'll take out the recycling, help fold laundry, and get toys cleaned up. If I give him a job, he might whine a bit but, he always gets it done. He makes me smile and laugh several times each day. And every night, before bed, I get a hug and a kiss.
Of course... Baby Girl and Little Bug aren't getting teased. The house is staying a little cleaner with one less kid around. And I'm pretty sure that our grocery bill went down (even though he'll only be gone for 3 days).
But all in all, the good outweighs the bad. Yep... I miss that kid


  1. He sounds like such a great kid. They each do little things, don't they.

    I hope he has a great time at Science Camp.

    Now, I just have to say--don't blink or before you know it he will be gone to college ; ) Believe me, they grow up much too quickly.

  2. That's awesome! That's the way it should be!

  3. awww... i bet you do. i bet he'll have a lot of stories to tell once he's home.

    congratulations again on winning my give-away. email me your address so i can mail you your gift.

  4. Good gracious, I can't even imagine my kids going away for a few days. My daughter is only 5 but already it's nice she's so independent and helpful around here.

  5. Why do we have to like those darn kiddos so much?

  6. It is good for them to go away so we get a chance to appeciate and love them again!

  7. Sounds like an awesome little man. ;-)

  8. Hi Melissa, I don't know how I stumbled across your blog but I am so glad I did! I too am a mommy to a cutie little boy with spina bifida and hydrocepholous. I am lds as well! With that in common I feel instantly connected to you. My Christopher is my 4th of 4. I have 1 girl and 3 boys.I think our lives may be very similar. Anyways my blog is http;//
    Hopefully we can learn from eachother with all of the new things we experience each day with our precious kids. So glad I found your blog :)

    -Becky Etchells

  9. I was going to say the same thing as Yvonne! It's the blink of an eye, and they're out the door.

    I hope he had a great time!!

  10. That boy is the sweetest. Wait, I mean coolest - I shouldn't use sweetest. Love him.


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