Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I was shopping today when I noticed a lady looking at me kind of weird. I started to check myself...
  • zipper up - check
  • nose clear - check
  • matching shoes - check
  • pants without a hole in a revealing spot - check
  • as clean as a mother of 3 kids can be - check
Hmm... I couldn't figure out the weird looks. So, I went on my way. A little further on I got a few more strange looks from a guy who kept looking around me. I decided to move on a little faster. What in the world was going on. It wasn't till the next row that I figured it out...
I was talking to myself! I haven't been shopping alone for about 10 1/2 years now. I've always had at least one child in tow while at the grocery store. And, even when they were tiny babies, I would talk to them.
And now, after all this time, it seems as if I've created a habit that makes me look like a crazy lady. The question is... do I do something to try and stop it? Or do I milk it for all it's worth and make people wonder about me everywhere I go?
Decisions, decisions...
Do you have any odd habits that may cause others to wonder about your sanity? :)


  1. I ALWAYS talk to myself when I'm in the store--I've thought about getting one of those bluetooth headsets so I wouldn't look so weird ; )

  2. Just wear a Bluetooth thing, and people will think you're talking on your phone! ;)

  3. Oops...I didn't read the other comments, haha! :D

  4. No worries. These days with the invention of the bluetooth, nobody seems to pay any attention to the loon talking to himself. They think he is just on the phone.
    My suggestion, wear a bluetooth when you go shopping, even if you don't have it on. Then jabber away. Problem solved!

  5. When I'm standing still with a shopping cart, I rock it back and forth like I'm trying to put a child to sleep in a stroller. LOL!

  6. Thanks for the laugh out loud, Melissa! That's almost as good as my friend who recently went to Walmart with her sweatshirt accidentally unzipped and her bra hanging out completely.
    But you might want to curb that habit. There's a looney guy that I see regularly at the store and the security guys are never far behind him.

  7. hahaha!!! I totally do that! If I don't have any kids, I just try to talk quiet or mutter to myself. It's hard though!

  8. oh, that's funny. no, i can't think of anything strange i do. i know i smile widely at the little children in the shopping carts and feeling thankful that i'm past that stage in my life.

  9. Too funny! I love it!
    I talk to myself all the time. My kids will be in the other room listening to me giggling!
    Play it up, it will be great blog fodder.

  10. Oh NO!!! Hmmm. Embrace it. Why not? We all have a little crazy in us.

  11. My name IS "Crazy" Bloggin' Canuck. I'm with Tracey--embrace it. :-)

  12. I think it's kewl to talk to yourself

  13. That is funny!!!!


  14. lol! I wear a blue tooth for that exact reason!

  15. i'll remember the blue tooth for when i have no kids around and am becoming senile too. ;)

  16. I found the fabric on IKEA's website. They don't actually sell it online though, so I'm gonna go visit the store and see if it's just as awesome in person! (I think it's $7.99 per yard.)

  17. I love it. I find myself rocking all the time without a baby in sight. When I am sitting or standing. This is an attractive look, very Rain Man-ish.


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