Saturday, September 12, 2009

Every week we have Family Home Evening. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this program, every Monday night we gather the family together. We start the evening out with a song and a prayer. Then we have a spiritual lesson, play a game, and then end the evening with a treat. We aren't perfect in doing this every week, but we try. It's something that the kids enjoy... especially the treat part. I mean, really... who doesn't love a good treat? Since they seem to remember more about the treat we had rather than the things we discussed, I decided to try and tie a few of our treats back to the lesson.
Back in August we talked about the creation of the world... and we followed the lesson with these yummy little tidbits! (The purplish grey blob is an elephant... and that's not a Yin and Yang symbol... it's supposed to be dividing light and dark... just in case you were wondering...)
This last Monday we talked about how our faith is like a seed. We need to nourish it to help it grow. So, of course, we all worked together to make these...
I feel like the treats give the lesson an extra little umph and hopefully it sticks with the kids a little longer.
Do you have any tips or tricks to help reinforce lessons/ideas/rules for your kids?


  1. I'm pretty sure my kids would wish for you as a mom.
    Which is why they're not sharing my google reader.

  2. One of my kids favorite things to do was a treasure hunt--for goodies (of course)

    Great idea, melissa. Love it.

  3. I don't have any tips but I'm definitely going to use yours! :-)

  4. I have failed as a mother.

  5. I will just give up now.

  6. Very talented. Please don't let me son see these or he might see that he's missing out..LOL

  7. You're an awesome Mom. ;-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh the cleverness! I'm just blown away!

  10. what a wonderful thing to do as a family. and i think your treats are over the top. if you keep up with them, you could put a book together.

  11. What a fun mom you are!! Great ideas!

  12. awesome! problem is...if i mad those i probably wouldn't let them eat them. :) they are just tooo cute!


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