Saturday, September 05, 2009

We don't get many storms here in the desert... but when we do, they're usually really strange. Take the clouds that rolled in tonight (please note that these are straight out of the camera... I didn't adjust the color or the focus on anything).

It reminds me of "the Nothing" from "The Never Ending Story". I found a clip of the opening of the movie...

So, what's the weather like in your neck of the woods?


  1. WOW. Those are amazing. I have not seen "The Never Ending Story" but I can see why it would remind you of the clouds at that beginning.

  2. Those might be some of the most amazing storm pictures I have ever seen! WOW!

  3. That was such an awesome storm system. My kids loved having a little bit of weather.

  4. Oh, NOOO! It's the Nothing! :0

    I love The Never Ending Story and have it in my collection! Lauren hates it, haha! :D

  5. What crazy clouds! We didn't get any of that down here. Just hot.

  6. Those are some pretty cool clouds! Today started out sunny but ended up very overcast.

  7. Wow, talk about amazing storm pictures! The weather has been really mild here. Too mild. Praying for rain and snow. Is it too early? :-)

  8. Those are just incredible! Good on ya for getting such great shots of the sky!

    Here it's just grey and dismal. I miss the ocean when I'm away from it, but I don't miss the rain...

  9. what beautiful clouds. i have a thing for clouds. they just fascinate me. i feel so lucky to live in colorado where there are clouds of all sorts every single day.


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