Sunday, September 13, 2009

I admit it. One day I wanna be part of something like this...

No, not the Oprah Show, although that might be cool too... no, I want to be part of a flash mob! Because really? How fun would that be?!


  1. I gotta say...when I first read "flash mob" I thought it would be a mob of flashers. I'm so glad it wasn't! And yeah, I would love to do that too. Do you think there will be any in Hermiston soon?

  2. i was watching that day because i like the black eyed peas. as it was happening, the viewer didn't know it was a flash mob stunt. it was so cool to watch. i kept wondering how everyone knew the same movements. lol. it's still fun to watch.

  3. That is soooooooo cool. I agree--it would be fun to be a part of something like that.

  4. That's how the DNC was around here. I'm not a Democrat but the energy was infectious!

  5. This was so GREAT!!! If you go, take me! That would be so fun!


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