Sunday, August 02, 2009

Wow... I didn't blog in July. I have several posts in the "edit" mode that never got published. We were in Idaho for most of the month. Let's see... where to start? Why don't we start with the first week or so? It will be easier that way...
July 1st - Struck with insanity. I threw three kids in the car and drove 12 hours to Utah. Along the way our check engine light came on and one of the tires developed a slow leak. Not fun things to have happen when you're alone with 3 kids. We made it to our hotel without anything major happening, ordered pizza, ate and then crashed.
July 2nd -we met up with my parents and went to the open house here....
... and visited here...

... then a HUGE storm rolled in. Please remember that we live in the desert. The kids were thrilled with the rain, till it started coming down really hard and the lightening was striking a little too close for their comfort. They freaked out a bit, so we decided to head for home. My parents were following us, but we got separated in the traffic. My parents had car trouble in Ogden. They tried to contact me, but my cell phone was dead. So, they were stuck in Utah and I made my way to Idaho before I finally realized my phone was not working properly. I plugged it in and learned of their predicament. All of the mechanics they had called had informed them that they were closed till Monday for the holiday weekend. So, they found someone to tow them home, but they weren't going to get there till around 1:00 a.m. So, we stopped and stayed with my in-laws that night.
July 3rd - hung out at my in-laws for awhile and then headed to Idaho Falls. We unpacked and rested. I got to meet my new niece...
... and see my little brother be a pretty awesome Dad!
July 4th - family reunion with my Mom's side of the family. Lots of fun things for the kids to do and good food for me to eat! Is there any better combination? Later that day we had an impromptu whiffle ball game at my parents house...
That night my kids were exhausted. They did NOT want to drive downtown to see the big fireworks. I know. My kids are weird. We did set off a few that night in the driveway and then, off to bed.
July 5th - went to church with my parents and had fun visiting with everyone there. That night we set off more fireworks with all of my family there...
I don't take the best firework pictures... anyway, that ends week one. I'll blog again tomorrow about week 2 and then week 3 and then our trip home. I know you're thrilled, but I want to write this all down before I forget... bear with me here!


  1. IT'S SO GREAT TO READ A POST FROM YOU. Sounds like you had a great time--it's always wonderful to be with family, even when there are car problems.

    Even though I see you on FB, it's nice to read more and see all the pictures.

  2. I'm glad you had a nice safe, trip! Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the open house this time. :(

  3. Welcome back to your blog and welcome home!

  4. Holy Cow... we were in Salt Lake County on the same day... I drove through that crazy thunderstorm after leaving Idaho Falls that morning! We were supposed to meet my parents at Temple Square that day, but bagged the plan because of the storm!

    I understand the torture of blogging a road trip... you want to record it for yourself, but it can often bore the pants off of people who don't care! Oh well! Just do it for yourself!

  5. i'm so glad you're back to the blog =)

    i look forward to hearing about the whole trip. it sure started off with a bang. i'm sure you enjoyed being with your family.

  6. I was starting to give up hope that we would ever hear from you again. If I didn't know you were on a trip to Idaho I would have been worried!

    Looks like to had a great time. Can't wait to hear how the rest of it went.

  7. It was so fun having you here!! I'm glad we were able to have fun with all of you! Can't wait to see you all again!!

  8. Dang woman, you have been busy! I would have loved to met you anyof th places you went to say hi. Hope everything goes well on yor trip home!

  9. I'm sooo not brave enough to drive 12 hours by myself...not to mention that I'd probably be falling asleep at the wheel after the first few hours!

  10. I found the sparkly silver sugar at a Jo-Ann store and used my spiffy 40% off coupon. It comes in a nice big bottle! They don't sell it at, but if you'd like to buy some online, I did find it on Wilton's website. Here's the link:


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