Monday, August 03, 2009

Part Two...
Lots of visiting with family and friends this week. Went swimming one day with my family. Out to eat another day with friends from high school. Got new tires for the van (big expensive sigh). Of course, I wasn't smart enough to get photos of all these things... not that I wanted pictures of my new tires, but it would have been fun to get some shots of my friends and everyone swimming... I guess we'll have to do it all again next year so that I can remember to take PICTURES.
During the later part of that week we took all of my family and went to Yellowstone National Park. It's only 2 hours away from my parents home, but I hadn't been up there for about 7 years. So, off we went!
There were plenty of bison (and idiots jumping out of their cars to get a closer shot of the creatures... it may have been their last shot)...
and mud pots (so stinky and yet so fun to watch)...
and my brothers who are wrapped around Baby Girl's little finger... (they deny it, but now I have photographic proof!) :)
and of course there was Old Faithful...
and my niece who did NOT want her picture taken (that's my beautiful sister (my niece's mom) smiling through it all)...
and my other niece who was tired and a tad hungry in this shot (I think her parents (my little bro and his awesome wife) were ready for me to be DONE taking pictures)...
and my other niece who was just happy to be along for the ride...
and my parents (aren't they cute?)...
and more of our crew waiting for Old Faithful to do it's thing...
and then, of course, there was us. Our little family (minus Hubby who wasn't in town yet). We had a wonderful, yet exhausting day! It was so fun to just hang with the family and wander around for the day. I hope we can do it again next year.


  1. How fun that you got to be together with so many of your family members.

    Love all the pictures. Yes, your parents are very cute; )

    Keep the posts coming, melissa--loving them.

  2. Great pictures! I think they capture the fun so accurately. ;-)

    Looks like fun times.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. it looks like you guys had fun on your trip. we did yellowstone last summer, dean loved that the most.

  5. I SO want to go to Yellowstone! Looks beautiful.

  6. Yay! Your back in postland. I am glad you had a good time, although I feel for your tire trauma. I hate having car problems, especially when I have to deal with it without Jim. And Yellowstone is the best!

  7. Yay! So glad so much fun was had!

  8. That day was awesome!! Maybe next summer we can stay there over night and see more things!! It was fun to go with you guys! It was a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing it with us!!

  9. i can see a resemblance to both of your parents - and yes, they're cute =)

    speaking of cute. that last picture is soooo cute. hope you're going to frame that one.

  10. I'd love to see Old Faithful and the bison! :)


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