Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Have you ever watched a music video and wondered "What in the world does this crazy guy running around have to do with this song???"
Well I have... and apparently I'm not the only one. I present to you "Total Eclipse of the Heart". That 80's hit by Bonnie Tyler... but now the lyrics match the video... and you will laugh. I promise. You. Will. Laugh.


  1. This is so funny! Thanks for the laugh this morning. I need a wind machine.

  2. I USED to enjoy that song.

    I don't remember the video.

  3. That was hilarious. Gotta love those random big hair 80's videos.

  4. "mullet guy with headlights"

    man, that was funny. i, of course, remember the song, but not sure i ever saw the video. it's kinda creepy. and you're right - it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the lyrics of the song.

    thanks for sharing and making me smile. and it's good to see you back here... even if it's only for one occasional post.

  5. that is a C R A Z EEEEEE video! whomever thought of the spoof lyrics is a genius!!!

  6. Oh, I LOVED this! It's so much better than the original! :D

  7. Ha ha! I liked the mullet with headlights, too. That was a totally weird video! I don't see how that could have even gone with the real lyrics. Don't you wish you could go back to the 80s?

  8. Oh man! That was so weird and funny and terrible and bizare and nasty...

    I didn't even know there was a video for that song!

    Of course, there were a lot of weird, psycho videos in the 80's. What a decade, eh?! ;-D

    Thanks for that laugh.

  9. Okay, I so needed that giggle today. Thanks!

  10. oh my gawwwwwwwsh that is so freakin funny.

    I love the eighties

  11. Melissa? Oh my goodness, it has been ages since we connected. I was going through our blog roll today and came across your site. I must admit that I was a tiny bit surprised when it brought me here, but I am sure glad that it did. I have missed the eyes peeking out from behind the flower!

    Hilarious, hilarious video. I hope that you and your family are enjoying your summer vacation.


  12. Now that's someone with a lot of talent!

  13. Missing you and hoping you're out enjoying summer with your kids!!

  14. I was having lunch yesterday at a restaurant with a friend--this song came on and I immediately started to laugh. I told her about the link--sure hope she goes to see it. (I will always think of this when I hear that song ; )


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