Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Part 3...
The day after Yellowstone my Grandma fell and split her lip open. It was so bad that my parents ended up having to take her to a plastic surgeon to get it fixed. The rest of us hung out at home, got our kids all dressed up, and took a few photos. (please remember that all these shots are unedited - eventually I'll mess with the colors and fix them a bit) Most of them didn't turn out so well ...

But we got one or two that weren't so bad...
And I snapped some individual shots that I LOVED...But my favorite shot of the day? This one of Baby Girl...
I don't know why I love it so much... but I do!


  1. Your kids are beautiful! Look at those baby's cheeks!!

  2. Sorry about your grandma's lip.

    Great job on the shots--that last one is absolutely adorable. I can see why you like it so much.

  3. Your poor Grandma - but wow are those shots cute!

  4. Anonymous11:21 AM

    These are the CUTEST kids on the planet!!!!! :o)

  5. You certainly have the talent for taking good pictures!! They turned out great!!

  6. great pics. and i love, love, love the one of baby girl.

  7. I LOVE the individuals! great job!!

  8. I love ALL the pictures of the cute! Your favorite one is amazing! :D

  9. Beautiful pictures. :-) I love them all.


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