Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Next up...
I promise, just a couple more posts about our vacation and then I'll be done! While we were there, Red had the opportunity to go and stay with some cousins who live in Boise. They went to the new Harry Potter movie and then, that Saturday, they were able to go on a train ride that had been dubbed "The Frogwarts Express". Red, of course, went as Ron Weasley. I don't have any pictures of his costume right now, but what I wanted to share was the book we made.
In the 3rd Harry Potter book Hagrid is teaching Care of Magical Creatures and has the kids get "The Monster Book of Monsters" for their text. This is what it looked like in the movie...
Monster Book of Monsters POA Pictures, Images and Photos
So, we decided that our "Ron" needed his own copy! And this is what our version looked like...

Not too bad, if I do say so myself! It's an old biology book. We cut out a bunch of the pages so it wouldn't be so heavy... it took a lot of time, but Red was THRILLED! He loves the way it looks. The only thing I wish we could have done differently is the title of the book. I wish I could have embossed it somehow... but it looks okay the way it is. I have my fingers crossed that he'll want to be Ron again for Halloween. My Mom and I put some serious time into that book... I hope he'll get to use it again!



    I can only imagine how much time it took--hope he gets to use it again, too.

  2. That is just incredible! Love it!

  3. What a creative idea! Now all his friends will want one, too!

  4. The pictures don't do it justice!! It looks AWESOME!! You did a wonderful job! You can tell Red is proud of it too!!

  5. wow! that book looks amazing!! and the train ride sounds fun, too.

  6. That is the coolest book ever! I would love to make one. Do you teach classes? what did you use for the eyes?

  7. You are insanely creative! What a fun thing to do!

  8. That book is the coolest! :)

  9. Very cool. And such a cute picture of Red. Love the expression.


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