Thursday, March 05, 2009

So Cool
The Elasticwaistbandlady, otherwise known as The Smiling Infidel, had this video on her blog. I thought it was so awesome, that I'd share it here too :)

So fun!
I'm still working my way through the Google Reader. It's still deleting posts, but not every time. Selective deleting. Kind of like my kids selective hearing loss, only I can't punish Google Reader for ignoring my pleas to STOP DELETING POSTS!


  1. I wish I could do all that stuff on my bed! :0

  2. I LOVE being first! Second, too! ;)

  3. That is very clever.

  4. Love it! I've had that song on my playlist for ages but I've never seen the video!

  5. what a cool video!! so creative. i watched it twice and would love to be able to slow it down in certain spots.


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