Sunday, March 08, 2009

To Whom it May Concern
Dear Person Who Thought of Daylight Savings,
I hate you.
a Tired Mom who will have to PEEL her kids out of bed in the morning... sigh...


  1. MWAAAHAHAHAAAA! It was me! It was me! I love to spring forward-to me it's just a sign that spring is coming. I love the long evenings when the kids can play outside after dinner and we can get some chores outside done. But I'm sorry that you don't like it. Really, I am!

  2. Seminary will be full of tired kids (and a tired teacher ; )

  3. P.S. - ME TOO!

    From a mom who didn't appreciate the terrible tantrum from a 2-year-old who didn't want to go to bed at the 'new' time, and even for 2 hours after the 'old' bedtime passed after that.

    :-S I hate the Spring time change.

  4. i love how it stays light longer in the evenings, but you're right... the mornings are no fun.

  5. I second the motion. Can't we just PICK ONE?

  6. Next year we have to deal with daylight savings with a school aged kid in the house - so not looking forward to that. Sympathies!

  7. AMEN!!! I hate it too. In AZ we don't have it, but guess what, the brilliant man who made my alarm clock thought it would be so wonderful to make the time change automatically... so, guess what... on Sunday morning, my alarm went off a full hour earlier than necessary, and left me with a headache that ruined my whole day! I'll have to remember to turn the alarm clock off when it switches back and find some primitive alarm clock that won't double cross me!

  8. Ditto.

    P.S. My kids love your music.

  9. I loved the time change this time around. My kids have actually been sleeping in past 5:30. It's a miracle!!

  10. One word: Ugh.

    I read in my son's pre-school newsletter that it can take up to two weeks to acclimate to the time change.

    I think that I might even need more time than that!


  11. Us poor Arizona people are so left out. ;)

  12. This is my all time favorite blog design of yours! That's saying a lot, because they're always awesome!

    Oh, the green cuteness! :)

  13. Yeah, it like throws me off for weeks. But I do like the lighter evenings.

  14. This was THE FIRST TIME we had a seamless transition with the time change. It only took one day to adjust--miraculous!


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