Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Hello Out There!
I'm back! Kind of... my parents and brother left yesterday. We had a fantastic time with them here! It was fun to play games each night, go hiking a couple of times and head to Disneyland one day. And the weird thing? I think they had a good time too!
I tried to catch up a little on blog reading this morning but my Google reader is being weird. I clicked on a link to take me to the blog and it didn't go. So, I clicked again and noticed that it deleted a post from my reader. I looked through and realized that it had deleted two posts. I tried a different link... it deleted two more posts. I have no idea what is going on...so, I'm waiting for a little bit to see if it quits and then I'll try to catch up again. It's going to take me awhile... there are almost 300 posts in my reader! I'm not going to get to all of them, but I will hit your most recent posts. Unless, of course, those are the ones that were just deleted in my Google reader. Then I can't promise anything!
I did want to thank you all for your kind words and encouragement about Red's car. I made a certificate for him letting him know we thought he did a great job and it promised a trip to Carl's Jr. (his fave fast food spot). He was pretty pleased with that. Anyway, I read your comments to him and you should have seen that kid grin! Y'all made his day - so, again, thanks!


  1. Glad you're back and that you had a great time!

  2. Glad to read that you had a wonderful visit with your family.

    You've been missed. Hooray for your triumphant return to the blogosphere.


  3. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Had so much fun I am already dreaming about and planning my next visit!!! :o)

  4. I'm so glad you had such a great time with your family.

    I'm so glad Red enjoyed all the comments--he should. Such a great car.

  5. MAAR - Mark All As Read, baby!

    So glad we could help make Red's day!

  6. Glad you had a good time with your family.

    And glad you're back-sortof. :)

  7. Glad you had fun with your family!

  8. is an obligation to blogging called a blogergation? i feel it too. i vote for maar. missed you.

  9. I'm glad you had a good time. You should just hit the "all read" button and start from scratch. It can be very freeing. Go ahead, you know you kind of want to..lol

  10. glad to hear you, your family, and your parents had a good time together. you're probably missing them already.

    welcome back.

  11. How did we both spend all day THE SAME DAY at Disneyland and NEVER run into each other? GAK! :0

  12. And that, my dear, is why I had to do away with my Google Reader. It just got too overwhelming and I wasn't enjoying it (which is kind of the point, right?)


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