Monday, January 05, 2009

To Whom it May Concern...
Dear Children,
I love you. You know that I do. But I have to ask the question... WHY? You had two blissful weeks of Christmas break and every stinkin day you were up by 6:30, full of energy and ready for the day. So, tell me, why is it that at 7:10 this morning I had to beg and plead with you to get up? Why is it that at 7:15 I used a crowbar to pry you out? And where was all that boundless energy?
Little Bug... you almost missed your bus because it took you 15 minutes to get dressed and 10 minutes to put your shoes on
Red... I just caught you staring at your refection in the mirror instead of brushing your teeth. You weren't even making faces... just staring blankly.
Baby Girl... you WERE up at 6:30 this morning. You ARE bouncing around like a kangaroo on speed. Perhaps it's because you don't have school-itis. Apparently both of your brothers do...
I hope that eventually you'll learn that school days are for getting up early and vacation days are for sleeping in... of course, by that time, my body will be so trained for jumping out of bed to get you moving that I probably won't be able to sleep in any more. Sigh.
I do hope that both of you have a wonderful day at school today and that this half of the year will be fun and interesting for you!
Muchas Love yas,


  1. That is so funny & TRUE!!! Kids never sleep in when you want them to, but when you need them to get up, you need dynomite!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So funny! Why do kids have to always do the opposite of what we want? LOL

  4. Is this Murphy's Law? Pretty sure it is.

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Today was Girlie Girl's first day back, too. However, I was the one having trouble getting up. She was up before me! LOL!

  6. That is so the way it is in our house. Except it usually would happen when we had church at 9:00 am. Just one Saturday or vacation day it would be nice to be able to sleep in!

  7. I TOTALLY sympathize with you (and them ; ) It was very hard for me to get up for Seminary this morning.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sooo true. Made me laugh. Cute idea putting it in letter form. You are amazing.

  10. Kids are just so cute and funny! Hope they got moving more quickly today! :D

  11. I hear ya, hon. After we dropped the boys at school yesterday, Corinne actually heaved a sigh of relief!! "I'm so glad it's just you and me, Mommy. Just the girls."


  12. Cute new blog look! Love the gritty background especially.

    I remember being that way as a kid. I just really wanted to stay home and have more holiday fun, is all. Good luck!

  13. so true!! if only we could program them for certain things that would make life sooo much easier!

  14. wait until their teenagers. they'll spend most of their vacation in bed =)


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