Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Change is in the Air
I wanted something funky and fun for the blog... not sure if this is it. I'll probably mess with it a few more times over the next few days... so don't be frightened if you stop by and the blog looks a little random or weird. Not that it doesn't already look random and weird, but you know what I mean.
I think this will be an interesting year for us. We're making some big decisions and wondering how in the world it's all gonna work out... I feel a bit like this right now...

The first step is always the hardest, right?
So, off we go, into a new year. I'm sure it will be full of craziness. After all, the last 32 years of my life have been that way, I have no reason to believe that it will stop now!
Happy New Year!


  1. That's such an awesome part of the movie. Good luck with your leap of faith!

  2. wow! soo exciting to come visit! i am SOOO glad to have your playlist....loved the christmas stuff but am happy for the other music...on a little piece of bread! :)
    good luck with the craziness!

  3. You amaze me that you can change your blog look all the time--I love it.

    You can do it, melissa, I know you can. You have such great faith--and that first step is the hardest.

    Happy 2009.

  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

  6. i love the new look. you always do such a good job.

    i hope 2009 brings everything you're looking and wishing for.

  7. There is a path, even if you can't see it right now.
    Good luck and have a great new year!

  8. Your blog always looks great.

    I love that part of the movie and I just know that everything is going to work out for you guys.

    Happy New Year!!

  9. Your blog looks awesome! I love bright color! :)

    Good luck with the big decisions, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D

  10. LOVE that clip and you always have such innovative fun backgrounds on your blog. Here's to changing it up!


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