Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Humor Me...
I am going to blog about Red a little later... you see, today is his birthday! He's 10 years old and for some reason this feels like a BIG DEAL to me! I'm going to write a little more about my awesome boy later (I want to get some photos of him opening his b-day presents first...) but I wanted to share some photos of the cake.
BEFORE you look at these pictures, you must PROMISE me that you won't laugh! Promise???
You see, I've never worked with fondant before and really had no idea what I was doing. Plus, I didn't have the money to buy fondant or to buy the glucose syrup or unflavored gelatin to make real fondant. So I found a recipe that used items I already had (shortening, Karo syrup, vanilla, salt, powdered sugar) and used that instead. The fondant is so GREASY!! It worked, but it's all shiny and kind of weird... anyway...
I wanted to make a "Wii" themed cake for Red. So, we started with a couple of twinkies...
and transformed it into a Wii remote! (the lettering and detail stuff didn't work well... I bought markers with edible ink, but the fondant was so greasy that the writing didn't work the way I had hoped)
After that I wanted to make a blue shell. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Mario Kart, a blue shell is something that is used to hit the person in first place. It has spikes and wings and is not a lot of fun to get hit with. Red is really good at Mario Kart and so he's constantly getting hit with the blue shells. This is what it's supposed to look like... blue wii shell Pictures, Images and PhotosAnd this is how my blue shell turned out...
I didn't know how to make the wings stand up. If I had thought of it earlier, I would have made them with royal icing... but I didn't think of it soon enough.
Here's the finished product! I bought some candies to spell out "Happy Birthday Red. Wii Love You". But since I used his real name and not "Red" on there I'm not posting that picture. You get this one instead.
He saw the cake when he got home from school and knew exactly what it was. He was really excited about it... I'm not thrilled with the way it looks, but it works! More birthday updates later today!


  1. Melissa, I am impressed! Really! It looks awesome.

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    WOW!!!!! This looks amazing!!! :o)

  3. Great JOB! IT looks totally awesome! I have a really great recipe for fondant I can email you... it's super easy to make and it tastes good too!

  4. it looks awesome! Way to go!!

  5. Wow! I'm totally impressed. Great job.

    Happy Birthday Red.

  6. you are way too hard on yourself. you did a great job!! you are really good at cake decorating (i remember seeing at least one other cake of yours). i can only imagine how excited red must have been.

  7. That looks totally awesome! Great job!

  8. I think it looks awesome!! You did a great job & he loved it! that's what matters!!!

  9. That's so very cool.
    Of course he loved it, how rad is that?


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